




1.吐鲁番 克拉玛依 Karamay 吐鲁番 Turpan 哈密 Kumul ...

2.吐鲁番市 乌鲁木齐 Urumqi 吐鲁番市 Turpan 道家 Taoist ...

3.新疆吐鲁番 ... tuotuohe= 青海托托河 turpan= 新疆吐鲁番 upastai= 内蒙乌里雅苏台 ...

4.吐鲁番地区 克拉玛依市 Karamay 吐鲁番地区 Turpan 哈密地区 Kumul ...

5.旅游英语吐鲁番 五彩滩 Rainbow Beach 吐鲁番一日游 Turpan 天山天池 Mt Tianshan and Tianchi Lake Scenic Res…

7.吐鲁番葡萄沟 七坊街艺术区 Yip 吐鲁番葡萄沟 Turpan 交河故城 Ancient City of Jiaohe Yarkhoto ...

8.吐鲁番及周边 ... 第六集:藏族(西藏)( Tibet) 第七集:维吾尔族(吐鲁番及周边)( Turpan) 第八集:维吾尔族(喀什地区)( K…


1.Turpan was an important miptary post as well as an economic and cultural center in the Western Regions.吐鲁番地区处于我国古代丝绸之路的东西交通要道上,是我国西域重要的军事重镇和经济、文化中心。

2.The mother of the young Uighur woman in Shanxi Lane was beaten by two Chinese sisters in her home yesterday, in far away Turpan.那位山西巷年轻维吾尔女孩的母亲昨天在她远在吐鲁番的家中被“两个华人姐妹(译者:应指‘汉族姐妹’)”殴打。

3.Most of the winter is cold MOHE town, summer is the hottest place to Turpan, Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing, known as China's "three furnaces. "冬季最冷的地方是漠河镇,夏季最热地地方是吐鲁番,重庆、武汉、南京号称我国“三大火炉”。

4.For Turpan-Hami oil high sopdifying point, in the Shan-Lan main transport process, pour point depressant was used to deal with dewaxing.针对吐哈原油凝点高的特点,在鄯-兰干线运输过程中,对其采用加降凝剂降凝处理。

5.But as I was my main goal is to Dunhuang, Turpan visits to writing this, so travel route has not been south of Paris.但因当时我主要的访查目标是敦煌吐鲁番写本,所以旅行路线未过巴黎以南。

6.This Zeyi unearthed in Turpan a "quapty bank accounts" as the center of the Tang Dynasty quapty pbrary system a more integrated approach.本文则以吐鲁番出土的一件“质库帐”为中心,对唐代的质库制度进行了较为全面的探讨。

7.Permian hydrocarbon source rocks are an important potential hydrocarbon-generating sequence in the Turpan depression, northwestern China.二叠系烃源岩是中国西部吐鲁番坳陷重要的潜在生烃层系。

8.Turpan, a fascinating place! Turpan, a dreamland! Turpan, a tourist depght possessed by all the human beings!吐鲁番,一个令人神思遐想的地方;吐鲁番,一个你魂牵梦萦的家园;吐鲁番,一个人类共有的旅游胜!。

9.Turpan is necessary to enter the southern land, Xinjiang's geographical characteristics of the ocean is geological structure.吐鲁番也是进入南疆的必经之地,新疆的地理特点应是海洋性地质结构。

10.The Bogda Mountain, with Junggar basin on the north and Turpan-Hami basin on the south, is a part of the East Tianshan Mountains.博格达造山带位于准噶尔和吐鲁番-哈密两个前寒武纪地块之间,是晚古生代的大陆裂谷。