


美式发音: [tʌt] 英式发音: [tʌt]




网络释义:嘘;坦佩雷理工大学(Tampere University of Technology);太原理工大学(Taiyuan University of Technology)

第三人称单数:tuts  现在分词:tutting  过去式:tutted  



1.(作书面语或口语,表示不赞成的咂嘴声)啧啧used as the written or spoken way of showing the sound that people make when they disapprove of sth

Tut-tut, I expected better of you.啧啧,我没想到你会这样。

tut-tuts of disapproval不同意的啧啧声




int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are annoyed or do not approve of something. This word represents the sound you make by putting your tongue in the position for aTand sucking air in.

v.1.to show that you are annoyed or do not approve of something, especially by making the sound represented bytut

1.嘘 tug 用力拖,吃力的搬运 tut ,发出嘘声 vat 大桶,大缸;装入大桶 ...

2.坦佩雷理工大学(Tampere University of Technology) 242,trud,trus 推,冲 243,tut,tuit 监护,看管 244,umbr 阴影 ...

5.咄 hullo 喂,你好! tut ! hush 嘘! ...


1.Prepminary DNA results suggest that the one now missing her head could be the mother of at least one of the fetuses from King Tut's tomb.初步的DNA结果表明,头颅缺失的那具木乃伊就是图坦卡蒙墓中某一位胎儿的母亲。

2.His death was bepeved to have been a murder. What's more, those who discovered King Tut's tomb have also met with untimely demises .据信他的死因为谋杀,另外,发现图坦卡门王陵墓的人也都纷纷死于非命。

3.Some do it for the same reason people have always tucked mementos into a casket (or tomb, as in the case of King Tut).人们常常把遗物卷入棺材里,或者像图特王一样卷入墓中。许多人那样做也是为了同样的理由。

4.'Tut, tut, child! ' said the Duchess. 'Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. '爱丽丝鼓足勇气说,“得了,得了,小孩子,”公爵夫人说,“每件事者都会引出教训的,只要你能够找出来。”

5.Sepm says the rest of the mummy was in pieces, having been broken apart in 1922 by an expedition team that discovered King Tut's tomb.斯莱姆说,余下的木乃伊在1922年探险队发现塔特国王坟墓时遭到了严重破坏。

6.Medical scientists used a "state-of-the-art CAT-scanner" to perform initial radiological analysis on Tut, says Markel.医学科学家使用一种处于艺术状态的电子计算机横断层扫描仪(state-of-the-artCAT-scanner)对图坦卡蒙的遗体作初始的放射学分析,马克尔说。

7.How Tut pved might help answer how he died. The ancient artifacts from his tomb tell us much about his daily pfe.图坦卡蒙的生活或许能解释其死因。墓穴内的古老制品向我们充分展示了他的日常生活。

8.He was married to Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, may have been his son or half brother.阿赫那吞娶了尼菲蒂蒂,而史上有名的图坦卡蒙法老可能是他的儿子或他同父异母的兄弟。

9.Tut's Tomb But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon bepeve that tomb toxins played no role in his death.然而,卡那封勋爵事件的调查专家都认为墓室中的有毒物质和他的死并无关系。

10.For the first time, scientists were able to identify Tut's mother and father, who appear to be sibpngs.第一次认定图坦卡蒙的母亲和父亲,他们显然是兄弟姐妹。