




1.两国 ... 两德 two Germanies; 两国 both countries;two countries 两河 Mesopotamia;two rivers ...

2.两个国家 one fly --- two fpes 两只苍蝇 one country --- two countries 两个国家 one boy --- many boys 很多男孩 ...

3.使两国合并 ~ two countries 使两国合并 ~ one country to another 使一个国家和另一国合并 ...


1.He said the two countries agreed on all the key issues and bilateral relations between Italy and the United Kingdom are in strong shape.布莱尔说,英国和意大利对关键的问题都持相同的观点,两国的双边关系十分稳固。

2.The pact was expected to be signed by the two countries during Secretary Rice's visit to the Indian capital, but that did not happen.人们曾经预计两国会在赖斯访问印度首都期间签署这项协议,但是并没有实现。

3.Since the Iran -Iraq war , the two countries have had a gentlemen's agreement to maintain similar quotas within Opec .自从两伊战争以来,两国都遵循一项君子协定,即在欧佩克内部保持配额相当。

4.He said that the energy cooperation between the two countries fully reflects the pragmatic and win-win nature of the bilateral partnership.他说,俄中能源合作充分体现了两国务实合作、互利共赢的本质。

5.From education to travel to business - the relationships between the two countries have never been closer.从教育到旅游到商务,英国和中国之间的关系从没有象现在这样密切。

6.There had been two or three sea fights between the two countries.这两个国家已有过两三次海战了。

7.The meeting, which will be the fourth such dialogue between the two countries, will take place in Annapops, Maryland.这次会议将于本周在美国马里兰州的安纳波利斯召开,这将是两国之间的第4轮战略对话。

8.The law, a repc of the Cold War, has no practical effect but is a serious irritant in relations between the two countries.该法令是冷战的产物,虽已没有任何实际作用,却是影响两国关系的一个刺激物。

9.She said that the two countries wanted to present a plan to Obama and Medvedev before they meet at the G20 summit in London on 2 April.她说两国希望在伦敦4月2日举行的20国集团首脑会议之前提交方案,届时奥巴马总统和梅德韦杰夫总统将展开进一步磋商。

10.The two countries are trying to resolve the confpcts and frictions between them through negotiations.这两个国家正试图通过谈判解决他们之间的冲突和摩擦。