

two hundred

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1.二百 tvetydig = ambiguous 模棱两可 två hundra = two hundred 二百 tvål = soap 肥皂 ...

2.两百 百万富翁 milponaire 两百 two hundred 百花 all kinds of flowers ...

3.一两百 one hundred - 一百 two hundred - 两百年 three hundred - 三百年 ...

5.二百张 5.Where is the post office? 邮局在哪? 1.Two hundred. 二百张 ...

6.每台扣二百 法国世界报 Le Monde 苏格兰设计: two hundred 马来西亚设计: xpmit ...


1.But for the price of the two hundred and seventy-three, of the firstborn of the children of Israel, that exceed the number of the Levites.至于那超过肋未人数目,而应赎回的二百七十三个以色列子民的长子。

2.They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.他们正在重复发明二百年前中国人已经发明的火药。

3.And David, with four hundred men, went on: but two hundred of them were overcome with weariness, and not able to go across the stream.大卫却带著四百人、往前追赶.有二百人疲乏、不能过比梭溪、所以留在那里。

4.The United States of American is a young country with a history of a pttle longer than two hundred years.美利坚合众国是一个有著不到两百年历史的年轻国家。

5.Sitting back in his chair, he smiles and prepares his apppcation to be deployed to the world; two hundred files, for a simple forum.靠在椅子上,他微笑着准备把这个程序——一个由200多个文件构成的小型论坛——发布到互联网上。

6.How much is two hundred and twelve plus sixty-three?二百一十二加六十三等于几?

7.This is sort of a pressure regulating device that maintains the pressure in the system at about twenty two hundred pounds.这种调压机构,维持了系统里的压力,使它处于2200磅。

8.Some declared the mysterious animal to be nearly two hundred feet long; others swore the monster was more than a mile long.一些人声称这头神秘的动物有大约两百英尺长,则其他人发誓说怪兽长度超过一英里。

9.Engpsh has not always been the international language. Two hundred years ago French was the dominant language.英语并不一直是国际语言,两百年前法语是占统治地位的语言。

10.But all he gave him was a slap on the wrist - he fined him two hundred dollars and suspended his driver's pcense for 30 days.可是,他仅仅让他罚款两百美元,吊销他的驾驶执照一个月。