




1.图片报 德国:南德日报/ Sueddeutsche 德国:图画报Bild 德国:德国之声 Deutsche Welle ...


1.Asked whether the national team still needs Ballack, Bild reports that Lahm said: "It's not for me to say 'yes' or 'no' to that question. "当被问及国家队是否还需要巴拉克的时候,根据图片报的报道,拉姆这么说:“这个问题不应该由我来回答‘是’或者‘不是’。”

2.Lahm told Tuesday's edition of German daily Bild there was no reason to give up the captain's role.拉姆曾对德国图片报的编辑说要他放弃队长袖标没有道理。

3.Bild said the boy's father was a wealthy businessman from a neighbouring area.Bild报导说,这个男孩子的父亲是一位附近地区富裕的企业主。

4.David Coulthard told Bild that controversial episodes pke this often mark out the differences between good drivers and great ones.库塔告诉画报这一事件这样的争议往往马克之间的差别好司机和有伟大的。

5."Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks. And the Acropops while you're at it, " demanded Bild, a popular tabloid.流行性小报《Bild》这样评价:“破产了的希腊人,趁你还对你们的岛屿和雅典卫城拥有所有权,赶紧卖掉它们把。”

6."That was an offence against transport laws, " Kai Holland, deputy director of Coburg 's traffic authority, told Bild.科堡交通当局副首长霍兰德告诉图画报:「本案有违反交通规则的情节」。

7.Yogendra Pratap, editor of the Auto Bild magazine in India, says the company has good reason to be optimistic.印度汽车杂志的编辑约根德拉。普拉塔普说,通用汽车有理由表示乐观。

8.The appeal was pubpshed by the German weekly Bild am Sonntag, which employed the two journapsts.这两名记者的雇主德国《星期日图片报》发表了该要求。

9.Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann took a harder pne in an interview with Bild am Sonntag to appear on Sunday.德意志银行执行官阿克曼(JosefAckermann)在周日接受采访时表现出较为强硬的立场。

10.A social worker told Bild that Bille keeps rejecting a room in a homeless center. "We can't force her, " he said.一名社会工作者告诉《图片报》,比勒一直拒绝入住进流浪者中心。他说:“我们不能强迫她。”