


美式发音: [ˈtaɪfəs] 英式发音: ['taɪfəs]




n.typhus fever



1.斑疹伤寒a serious infectious disease that causes fever, headaches, purple marks on the body and often death


n.1.a serious disease that is spread by some small insects

1.斑疹伤寒 tumour 瘤 (美作: ) typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria,hives 荨麻疹 ...

2.斑疹伤寒症 irrigation n. 灌溉 typhus n. 斑疹伤寒症 hepatitis n. 肝炎 ...

3.斑疹伤寒病1813年,他在德国Leipzig大学任教时,正值斑疹伤寒病(typhus)疫潮爆发,主流医学治疗的死亡率是20-30%,但赫尼曼医师 …

4.班疹伤寒 ... diphtheria 白喉 typhus 斑疹作寒 typhoid 伤寒 ...


1.She married a clergyman. Penniless. Both parents died. . . of typhus, when the child was but a few months old.她丈夫是个不名一文的牧师,这孩子尚在襁褓之时,他们就双双死于斑疹。

2.Conclusion The event was an epidemic of scrub typhus among farmers due to bites of mite larvae during unprotected harvest of soybeans.结论此次事件是由于农民收黄豆时未采取保护措施而被恙螨幼虫叮咬引起的恙虫病流行。

3.TYPICAL USE: When he got a shot against typhus, the child clenched his teeth in pain.当那小孩接受伤寒预防注射时,痛苦得紧咬着牙。

4.When he got a shot against typhus, the child clenched his teeth in pain.孩子一旦得了伤寒症,他会磨牙,而且很痛。

5.Gradually the typhus fever left Lowood, but the number of deaths made the pubpc aware of the poor conditions in which the pupils pved.猩红热渐渐离开了洛伍德,但死亡的人数使公众意识到了学生们恶劣的生活条件。

6.I carried the infection of crime with me, and she HAS caught it as she would the typhus fever, the cholera, the plague!我身上带着犯罪的细菌,她只是受了传染,象传染到伤寒、霍乱和瘟疫一样!

7.Of typhus, when the child was but a few months old.死与斑疹伤寒,在这孩子只有几个月不到的时候。

8.Typhus: Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood.斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。

9.Objective To identify the risk factors of scrub typhus and provide the basis for prevention and control of this disease.目的探讨造成此次恙虫病流行的危险因素,为疫情控制提供科学依据。

10.Trenches in the hygiene conditions are very poor, common infections included dysentery , typhus and cholera.战壕里的卫生条件很差,常见的感染包括了痢疾、斑疹伤寒和霍乱。