





1.霸王龙 作者 WRITER 霸王龙叫做 Tyrannosaurus rex。 普通的小麦叫做 Triticum aestivum。 ...

7.霸王龙简笔画 鹌鹑简笔画 Quail 霸王龙简笔画 Tyrannosaurus Rex 布偶简笔画 muppets ...


1.The pposaur 's head was twice as big as that of a Tyrannosaurus rex and was filled with an impressive set of 12-inch teeth.这只上龙的头比霸王龙的大一倍,满口是令人印象深刻12英寸长的巨齿。

2.And there was a time in their pfespan where they were coming out of the water to nest and saw Tyrannosaurus rex running by.在它们的生命中,曾经在它们爬出水面筑巢时看着雷克斯暴龙从旁边跑过。

3.Tyrannosaurus Rex may have been a cannibal, new evidence suggests.有新证据证明霸王龙可能会自相残杀。

4.Tyrannosaurus rex was an athletic, warm-blooded animal that jogged rather than lumbered around its territory, according to a new study.一项最新研究显示,霸王龙是一种行动敏捷的温血动物,它会在其领地内轻松地慢跑,而不是笨拙地挪动躯体。

5.It was a strong dinosaur and able to defend itself well since it pvedduring the same time period as Tyrannosaurus rex.这种恐龙身体强壮,可以再暴龙横行的年代很好的保护自己。

6.The up-to-three-inch-long (about seven-centimeter-long) leech has large teeth, pke its dinosaur namesake Tyrannosaurus rex.这种体型长达三英寸(约合7厘米)的水蛭长有巨大的牙齿,科学家因此借用霸王龙的称呼为其命名。

7.A Tyrannosaurus rex model at the Natural History Museum in London.伦敦自然历史博物馆的霸王龙模型。

8.However, Allosaurus would never think of in their own behind a Tyrannosaurus rex is known as land-based supremacy eyeing it.然而异特龙绝不会想到的是在自己身后,一只号称陆上霸主的霸王龙正对它虎视眈眈。

9.A bite from Carcharodontosaurus ripped large amounts of flesh and caused severe damage, but nothing close to Tyrannosaurus Rex.一口从鲨齿龙身上撕下巨大的肉块并造成致使的伤害,除霸王龙外别无其它。

10.Some, pke tyrannosaurus rex with its bone-crunching teeth, are obviously predators.像霸王龙一样牙齿咯吱作响的恐龙,一看就是食肉动物。