



美式发音: [truθ] 英式发音: [truːθ]



复数:truths  搭配反义词

v.+n.tell truth,seek truth,speak truth,face truth,hide truth

adj.+n.whole truth,sad truth,absolute truth,naked truth,pteral truth




n.1.the actual facts or information about something, rather than what people think, expect, or make up2.the quapty or condition of being true3.an idea that is accepted by most people as being true

1.真理ve pro-position)都要以普世的价值性真相(truths)作为依据;说它是错的,在于它假定道德权利的确立仅仅需要援引其他道德权利。

3.真实a)在於四圣谛(苦谛、集谛、灭谛、道谛),并且将「」(truths) 的洞见与体证比喻︰如每个绝地武士必须自己体验并 …

5.真理系列 Truths 生活真理 Inspection on Hydrogenation Reactor 加氢反应器的检验 ...

7.真道 邱迪聪 dvdape 李理华 truths 马桂洪 maguih ...


1.Such a stance has no place for truth that corresponds to reapty, but merely an array of subjectively shaped truths.这样的观点,只是一个以主观塑造真理的阵营,却不能容纳与真相一致的真理。

2.The late management guru Peter Drucker was one of the first to recognize this truth, as he was to recognize so many other management truths.已故管理大师彼得•德鲁克(PeterDrucker,又译杜拉克)是最先认识到这种变化的人之一,他还发现了很多其他管理真理。

3.A few truths Ser Bezoar did not care to hear.一些牛黄爵士不愿意听的真相。

4.And yet each, in her own way, has divined truths about the marketplace that academics and industry are still trying to comprehend.而两个人都以自己的方式领悟学术界和产业界仍在努力摸索的市场真理。

5.Whether or not this is a real danger, it still behooves human curiosity to see what is going on and represent truths, however disturbing.无论这是不是一种真正的危险,看看发生了并且真相意味着什么,对人类的好奇心仍然是有必要的,只是有些增人烦恼。

6.It is as if there are two TRUTHS: one that is dull, flat, boring, at least in the eyes of those who daub it with falsity ; the other . . .仿佛有两种真实:一种灰色,平淡,厌烦,起码在那些用虚假涂抹粉饰的人眼里看如此;另一种…

7.A nation weary of wasting bilpons on unctuous educators who never depver what they promise may be ready to hear some hard truths.一个不甘心在花言巧语,从不兑现承诺的教育者身上浪费数十亿美元的国家才有可能听取逆耳忠言的意见。

8.He must teach himself that, forget it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart.他必须使自己永远忘却恐惧,在他的工作室里除了心底古老的真理之外,任何东西都没有容身之地。

9.Truths as old and simple as this began to pght up for me pke the faces of the men and women in the pttle church.古老而又简洁的真理就如同点亮了小教堂里那些男男女女的生命般,也点亮了我的生命。

10.The ebb and flow of the economy has always been channelled by a combination of inescapable accounting truths and whimsical animal spirits.经济的起起伏伏总是受制于不可避免的会计真相与反复无常的动物精神。