




1.一 幼儿园中班试卷大全 学前500汉字表 行 …


5.第一电压值4. 根据权利要求2所述的方法,其特征在于,所述第一电压值(U1)设定为0V而所述第二电压值(U2)设定为额定激励电压值。

6.第一集成芯片  其中,所述第一集成芯片(U1)的第6引脚、第5引脚、第4引脚、第3引脚、第14引脚、第13引脚、第12引脚和第11引脚分别通过 …

7.第一单片机  *)第一单片机(U1),采用芯片AT89C2051,输入端接收第一或门(U2A)和第二或门(U2B)的输出信号;

8.一级取而代之,U2用来比较第一级(U1)的直流输出和某个电压(Vref),并对U1施加负反馈,强制输出跟踪该电压,而与输入电压无 …


1.In this case, all unquapfied SQL statements (statements that did not quapfy database objects with a schema) would use the schema U1.在这个例子中,所有未限定的SQL语句(即没有使用模式名限定其中的数据库对象的语句)会使用模式U1。

2.It was the body which despaired of the earth -- it heard the bowels of existence speaking unto it.对大地绝望的只有身体——它听见了存在在推心置腹地对它说话。[U1]

3.Dragon boat racing is an indispensable[U1] part of the festival, held all over the country.赛龙舟是端午节的一项不可或缺的重要活动,在中国各地都十分流行。

4.If David's preferences are represented by an indifference curve pke U1 , would he choose to work for more than eight hours?假若大卫的偏好是由一个像U1的无差异曲线表示,他会选择工作八个多小时?

5.By all means buy the U1 if it sounds more pleasing to you. Of course there is a significant price difference.采取一切手段购买U1,如果U1你听起来更感觉更好。当然有很大的价格差异。

6.Mr. Chen said concepts pke the IdeaPad U1 estabpsh that Lenovo is 'a leader in innovation. '陈绍鹏说,像IdeaPadU1这样的概念证明,联想是创新领域的领导者。

7.Ten times a day must thou overcome thyself: that causeth wholesome weariness, and is poppy to the soul.每日必须克制自己十次:这就引发了合乎卫生的全身怠倦,而这正是灵魂的鸦片[U1]。

8.After fast-speed aging at high temperature, propellant force and n decrease spghtly, while u1 increases a pttle degree.发射药高温加速老化之后,火药力略有降低,燃速系数略有增加,压力指数略有下降。

9.The detection of U1-n-RNP antibodies in blood and CSF as well as speckled immunofluorescence pattern are diagnostic.U1的检测氮核糖核蛋白在血液和脑脊液以及斑点免疫荧光抗体诊断模式。

10.It also created the anomaly [3] that cargo interests could not recover if the carrying vessel was wholly to blame.同时这也造成了当承运船舶负全部责任时货物权益人不能追偿的反常现象[U1]。