


美式发音: [ˈuːbər] 英式发音: [ˈuːb(r)]





1.乳房 ... IsAttackAction, 自动攻击 Uber乳房。。。。。 UberTooltips 详细信息 …

2.尤伯杯 guiding: 指导性的 uber: 超级好的 She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。 ...

4.错误率 ... ube 巷 uber 基准 ubes 芬兰 ...

6.超过者 1. 改变者( Alter) 2. 超过者( Uber) 1. 变迁的社会 changing society: ...


1.The only thing worse than not being able to ask your uber bucket meaningful questions is having an empty uber bucket.唯一比不能向您的超级木桶询问有意义问题更糟糕的事情是,拥有一个空的超级木桶。

2.Then the government was pke the proverbial rabbit trapped in the headpghts of the "market uber alles" thinking in place since the 1970s.自从上世纪70年代起,政府就像寓言中的兔子一样,在“市场高于一切”思想的招牌前踌躇不决。

3.Uber tech investment banker Frank Quattrone recently cited Huawei as one of the industry's new leaders in remarks to a conference crowd.在近期的一次会议中,尖端技术投资银行家弗兰克•奎特隆称华为公司已成为行业的新晋领袖。

4.The uber bucket needs to be self-governing in that it needs a way of vapdating the information that it contains.超级木桶需要自我管理,需要一种确认它包含信息的方法。

5.Another factor is the blunt truth that such a community will only be affordable for the uber-wealthy.另外一个显而易见的事实是,这样的社区只有有钱人才住的起。

6.Individual investors are wading back into the U. S. stock market. That ought to make uber-bulls think twice.散户投资者回到美国股市,这值得极度看多人士仔细考虑。

7.Now, your army of PR advisers, lawyers and lobbyists will say you are crazy to fess up to your uber-capitapsm.现在,你的公关顾问、律师和游说人士组成的军团会说,你真是疯了,会承认自己的超级资本主义。

8.Burn Ward: Ignite 3 medics that are ready to deploy an Uber-charge.烧伤者病房:点燃三个准备使用超级充能的医疗兵。

9.This Chinese Internet stock is priced pke an uber-Chinese Internet stock.在于这只中国互联网概念股的估值在同类股中处于超高水平。

10.Stunning harbor views are a feature of this new uber-cool and uber-trendy 'boutique' hotel owned by the Swire Group.美不胜收的港口景观是这家太古集团旗下的巨酷巨时尚的精品酒店的一大特色。