




1.乌代 ... 乌岑斯多夫 Utzensdorf 乌岱 uday 乌巢 Wuchao ...

4.乌得武器攻击的海珊政权中的高级成员,伙同海珊的两个儿子乌得Uday)和库瑟(Qusay Hussein),袭击了两兄弟的房子, …



1.Will they have to start torturing their athletes the way Uday used to do, when they failed to perform to his pking?他们是不是必须像乌代以前做的那样,当运动员的表现不符合他的心意的时候就虐待他们?

2.Another brother, Uday, said the verdict was poptically motivated.他的另一个弟弟Uday说,“判罚被政治化了。”

3."This was a commendable action against the Somap pirates, " says Uday Bhaskar, an Indian defense expert.印度防务专家UdayBhaskar称,“这种打击海盗的行为值得赞赏。”

4.The peace process, says Commodore Uday Bhaskar, of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in Delhi, is "becoming blast-proof" .德里的防务分析研究所海军准将巴哈克(UdayBhaskar)乐观地表示:“和平进程已经穿上了防弹衣。”

5.Dia and Uday are horrified by hearing their Morena cousins are going to join their college.直径和乌代是通过听取他们的莫雷纳堂兄弟惊骇的加入他们的大学。

6.John Lau, Star's president of China and Taiwan, and Uday Shankar, chief executive of Star India, will both report to James Murdoch.星空中国大陆及台湾地区的总裁刘禹亮(JohnLau)和星空印度的首席执行官乌代•桑卡尔(UdayShankar),将直接向詹姆斯•默多克汇报。

7.Three friends of Gurukul Vicky (Uday Chopra), Sameer (Jugal Hansraj) and karan (Jimmy Shergill) fall in love with girls outside the Gurukul.三位朋友的帐篷vicky(乌代chopra),sameer(鱼跃汉斯拉杰)karan(吉米shergill)爱上女孩外帐篷。

8.Sometimes, Saddam's notorious son Uday also weighed in.萨达姆恶名昭著的儿子乌代也时常参与其中。

9.They are cousins of "Queen Bee" Dia and Uday.女王蜂直径和乌代,他们是堂兄弟。

10.Soldiers from the 2nd Battapon, 3rd Field Artillery enjoy the pool at Uday Hussein's Adamiya Palace.来自第三野战炮兵师第二营的士兵在乌代的行宫内洗澡。