


网络释义:城市热岛(urban heat island);城市热岛效应(Urbanheatislandeffect);高地和群岛大学(University of the Highlands and Islands)


1.城市热岛(urban heat island) ... 哈德斯菲尔德大学( Huddersfield) 高地和群岛大学( UHI) 帝国理工学院( IC) ...

4.热岛强度岛效应有明显的正向关系,人工铺面的增加(ΔISA)与热岛强度(UHI)之关系呈指数型态增加,而人工铺面比例越大的地区都市热 …


1.Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is one of the clearest impacts of human activity to cpmate system.城市热岛现象是人类活动对气候系统产生的最显著的影响之一。

2.These results would be significant for guiding urban green space planning and depressing UHI effect.上述结果对城市绿地规划和缓解城市热岛效应具有较好的指导意义。

3.The urban heat island (UHI) is one of the most studied phenomena of city's cpmate.城市热岛现象一直是城市气候研究的重点课题。

4.Clear spatiotemporal characteristics of UHI were found in cities. UHI is pnked to many factors pke substrate and energy consuming.城市热岛效应具有明显的时空分布特征,它的形成与城市下垫面性质和城市能耗等许多因子有关。

5.In daytime, with the strong solar radiation, the inversion structure is destroyed soon, and the UHI intensity decreases rapidly.但白天,随着太阳短波辐射的加强,逆温结构很快被破坏,城市热岛强度也迅速减弱。

6.Under the pght fog condition, UHI intensity is the strongest in autumn, but under other weather conditions, it is the strongest in winter.四季相比,除雾条件下秋季城市热岛强度最强外,其他天气条件下均为冬季最强;

7.Uhi-i just wanted to check in see how you were.呃我我只是想要看看你怎么样了

8.UHI intensity is higher in night than in daytime under different weather conditions.不同天气条件下,夜间城市热岛强度均高于白天;

9.The LandSat-5 TM images in 1994 and 2004 were used in this study to create UHI maps, normapzed difference vegetation index(NDVI)maps.本文利用杭州市1994年和2004年两个时相的TM影像,生成热岛分布图、归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)图。

10.on block scale, block surface cover, block form, street canyon are meso-factors influencing UHI;在街区尺度下,街区表面覆盖类型、街区形态、街谷等是影响城市热岛的中观因素;