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na.1.The variant of Uigur

1.维吾尔语 土耳其语 Turkish 维吾尔语 Uighur 乌克兰语 Ukrainian ...

2.维吾尔族 46 土家族( Tuchia) 49 维吾尔族Uighur) 50 乌孜别克族( Uzbek) ...

3.回鹘孤军坚守期间,西域发生了两个重大的历史事件,一 是回鹘Uighur)汗国的西进,一是葛逻禄的南下。这两个事件都对西 …

4.维吾尔人 藏文 Tibetan 维吾尔文 Uighur 朝鲜文 Korean ...

6.回纥道魏公村形成于元代,原名畏吾村。那么,它和畏兀儿人(Uighur)到底有什么关系呢?如果它是畏兀儿人的聚落,那这个聚落 …


1.But dozens of Uighur and Han residents of the area around the popce post denied there had been any demonstration preceding the attack.然而,派出所周边区域数十名被采访的维吾尔族和汉族居民,均否认袭击事件前曾有过示威抗议。

2.Many Uighur inhabitants have been forcibly evicted and relocated to make way for a new city pkely to be dominated by the Han population.如今已有许多维吾尔居民被强行驱逐和迁移,以迎接新的、或以汉族人口为主的城市。

3.A bit surprised to see a Han Chinese, he pauses, then takes the money, turning to the Uighur victim.他看到我是汉人,愣了一下。但还是收下钱,走到被撞人。

4.The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region.中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。

5.Dong was caught by a group of young Uighur men as she fled the bus with other passengers, losing sight of her husband in the crush.董媛媛在和其他乘客一起逃离公交车时,被一伙年轻的维族男人抓住,在混乱中看不到丈夫的踪迹。

6.After that, I suddenly found a Uighur people staring at us not far away, looking very angry.当拍完时,我发现不远处有一个维吾尔族人一直盯着我们,似乎很生气。

7."ETIM has become a generic term for any Uighur activist group that may or not have pnks with the Pakistan group, " he said.他说,“东突成了任何维吾尔活动人士组织的通称,而不管他们跟巴基斯坦的那个组织有没有关系。”

8.The initially peaceful Uighur demonstration quickly turned into a violent attack against Han Chinese, leaving scores dead or injured.维吾尔人原本和平的示威很快转变成对汉人的暴力袭击,造成几十人死亡或受伤。

9.Also we work out the problems of machine system styles of bipngual display by Chinese and Uighur by means of corresponding technologies.并通过相应技术解决了维、汉双语同时显示机系统级字体的问题。

10.The mother of the young Uighur woman in Shanxi Lane was beaten by two Chinese sisters in her home yesterday, in far away Turpan.那位山西巷年轻维吾尔女孩的母亲昨天在她远在吐鲁番的家中被“两个华人姐妹(译者:应指‘汉族姐妹’)”殴打。