




1.乌尔姆 ? ? 战后的包豪斯 ? 被称为战后包豪斯的德国乌尔姆ULM)艺 术学院由平面设计的重要人物马克斯· 比尔 (MAX BILL)担 …

2.乌姆 ... Lisburn, 英国 Ulm, 德国 Vilnius, 立陶宛 ...

5.乌尔姆设计学院 ... - Cities in Motion:US Cities( 美国城市) - Cities in Motion:Ulm阿尔姆) - Cities in Motion:Paris( 巴黎) ...


1.On the third evening it was a cold and muddy cycpst who squelched into a gasthaus in the German city of Ulm.到了第三天晚上,我带着一身寒气和泥泞,咯吱咯吱地把自行车骑进德国城市乌尔姆的一家客栈。

2.This hotel is set in a park close to the banks of the Danube river with a magnificent view over Ulm's Old Town and the famous minster.这家酒店坐落在一个公园内,靠近多瑙河河岸,享有Ulm老城区和著名大教堂的壮丽美景。

3.Heidi's sister Ditty for his career record to ease, temporarily handed over to Heidi's uncle called Ulm.海蒂的姐姐迪蒂为了自己能安心创下一番事业,把海蒂暂时交给一个叫阿尔姆的大叔。

4.Daimler launched its car2go with a pilot scheme in Ulm, in Germany, where it now has 19, 000 members nationwide.戴姆勒在德国乌尔姆推出一项名为car2go的试点计划,现在德国全国有19000个成员。

5.His family settled in Blaubeuren, a small town in southern Germany located between Stuttgart and Ulm.后来他的家庭定居于布劳伯亿伦,那是德国南部位于斯图加特和乌尔姆之间的一座小城市。

6.Frank Kirchhoff and Michael Schindler, of the University of Ulm, in Germany, and their colleagues have been looking into why that is.德国乌尔姆大学的弗兰克、迈克尔和他们的同事一直以来都在调查其原因。

7.Born in the Bavarian city of Ulm in 1879, Einstein moved to Switzerland at 17 to evade miptary service.1879年,爱因斯坦出生于德国乌尔姆的巴伐利亚市,17岁时,为逃避服兵役,他移居瑞士。

8.Car2Go is being tested in Ulm, a southern German town, and in Austin, Texas.Car2Go计划正在德国的南方城镇乌尔姆,以及美国德克萨斯州的奥斯丁试行。

9.The highest bell-tower in the world is in the city of Ulm.世界上最高的钟塔位于Ulm小城。

10.Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, a city in Germany.爱因斯坦在1879年在乌尔姆出生,在德国的一个城市。