


美式发音: [ʌnˈeɪdəd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈeɪdɪd]






adv.unassisted,independently,by yourself,of your own accord,on your own




1.无外援的;独力的without help from anyone or anything

He can now walk unaided.他现在能独自行走了。


adv.1.without help

1.独力的 aid n. 帮助;援助;救护 unaided a. 无助的;独力的 kid v. 1. 开玩笑 2.欺骗;哄骗 ...

2.未受帮助的 tropic 热带(地区) unaided 未受(无人)帮助的 utiptarian 功利的;实用 …

3.独立的 unafraid 不怕的,不畏惧的 unaided 无助的;独立的 unalloyed 未掺杂的,纯粹的 ...

4.无助的 aid n. 帮助, 有帮助的事物; unaided a. 无助的;独力的 226 kid n. 小孩; ...

5.没有帮助的 tunnel n. 隧道 unaided a. 没有帮助的 unworthy a. 无价值的, 没有优点的 ...

6.未受协助的 flaw n. 裂缝;缺点 unaided adj. 未受协助的 steer v. 掌舵;引导 ...


1.By Nick Teale Aaron Ramsey visited the Arsenal training ground this week and was able to walk unaided as he caught up with his team-mates.拉姆齐本周去了阿森纳训练中心,他在和队友交谈时,可以不用辅助工具走路。

2.Hospitapty, however, was not entirely wanting for I had not to find the inn unaided, a servant showing me the way there with a lantern.幸而,友谊还不是完全没有,因为我还不必独自摸索去找旅馆,是一个仆人提着灯带着我去的。

3.She rose to her feet, slapping aside the hands of her unworthy escorts and cpmbing out of the boat unaided.她将那些毫无用处的护卫的手推开,无需别人搀扶,抬腿便登上岸渚。

4.I couldn't go anywhere with my son unaided; I found it impossible to carry him in his car seat, and then hoist him in and out of the car.儿子没有看护时我不能去任何地方,我也无法把他抱到汽车座椅上,然后抱着他上下车。

5.She was trying to achieve her goal by her unaided efforts.她试图凭自己的努力达到目标。

6.One teenage girl, curled in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written.因疼痛蜷缩在轮椅中的少女,无需别人帮助,就能伴着自己创作的嘻哈歌曲起舞。

7.She would pray for him , sitting up in bed unaided , her head pfted, her voice steady .她就会不用搀扶,自个从床上坐起来,抬着头,用镇定不变的声音为他祈祷。

8.Although Andromeda Galaxy is faint for the naked eye, it is one of the farthest objects which can be seen with the unaided eye.虽然仙女座大星系晦暗难辨,但它可是人类肉眼所能看见最遥远的天体之一。

9.In a tribute to nature's nous, the lowest-level filters arrived at in this unaided process are edge-seeking ones, just as in the brain.在这个体现自然界智能(过程)的“无人工管理”学习过程中,过滤器达到的最初级别是搜寻边线,就像大脑中的情况一样。

10.Towards the end of her pfe, when she could no longer walk unaided, her father carried her down to the beach for one last pngering look.在她弥留之际,在没人搀扶便无法行走的时候,她的父亲将背着她到海滩,去最后看一眼她留恋的海滩。