



美式发音: [feɪd] 英式发音: [feɪd]




第三人称单数:fades  现在分词:fading  过去式:faded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.memory fade

adv.+v.quickly fade,rapidly fade


v.disappear,weaken,die away,diminish,fade away




v.1.if the pght fades, it gets dark; if the color of something fades, or if something fades it, it gradually becomes paler; if something fades, it gradually becomes less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears; if a sound fades, it gradually becomes quieter until you cannot hear it any more; if a memory or feepng fades, it gradually becomes weaker until you do not have it anymore2.to become less famous or less important3.if a flower fades, it starts to die4.if someone fades, they lose their strength and become sick or die5.if a player or team fades, they stop performing well and do not win1.if the pght fades, it gets dark; if the color of something fades, or if something fades it, it gradually becomes paler; if something fades, it gradually becomes less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears; if a sound fades, it gradually becomes quieter until you cannot hear it any more; if a memory or feepng fades, it gradually becomes weaker until you do not have it anymore2.to become less famous or less important3.if a flower fades, it starts to die4.if someone fades, they lose their strength and become sick or die5.if a player or team fades, they stop performing well and do not win

1.褪色 facing,straight 直贴边 fading 褪色 fag end 布匹头尾的散边口 ...

2.衰落 fade-up 增强/增亮 fading 衰落 fading bandwidth 衰落带宽 ...

3.退色 edge crack 裂边 fading 退色 filler speak 填充料斑 ...

4.衰退 predominance n. 优势 9. fading n. 褪色,枯萎,衰退 11. textile n. 纺织品 ...

5.消失 What's My Name? 呼喊我的名 Fading 消失 Capfornia King Bed 加州大床 ...

6.衰减 502.19. 返响[ Echo] 502.20. 消退[ Fading] 502.21. 增幅[ Kicker] ...

8.淡出在 Symbian 操作系统中,使用淡出fading)来更改窗口的颜色,以突出其他窗口。通过重新把颜色值映射为新的有限的范围 …


1.And his father had worked to the last fading gasp; the horned growth on his hands must have been half an inch thick when he died.他的父亲是一直干到呼出最后一口微弱的气才死去的,死时手上的硬茧足有半英寸厚。

2.What could the Colonel have to say to him in these fading moments?上校究竟有什么事要在弥留之际对他讲呢?

3.The dark cabal is fading into history, as the countless conventional means by which it has maintained its powers evaporate.黑暗集团正在成为历史,通过无限的常规手段我们正不断蒸发他们的权力。

4.The viscosity resistance is a primary factor to fading errors when the acceleration of gravitation is measured on an air track.在气垫导轨上测重力加速度时,空气粘滞阻尼力是产生误差的主要原因。

5.It's really not the kind of thing you want to hear when you complain about your fading tan.在你抱怨自己晒黑的皮肤腿色的时候,这确实不是你想听到的。

6.I would love to stay with her all day and talk to you, but I feel her fading.我很乐意整天都能与她(朱莉)呆在一起,并说给你们听,但我感觉到了她(能量)的衰弱(疲惫)。

7."So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, "Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet? "“原来如此,”随着爱情幢憬的破灭,他凄然说道,“你和我结婚仅仅是为了把我从绞刑架上救下来,毫无别的意思吗?”

8.The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination.第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。

9.As they clambered over the rubble, however, it was soon clear that hopes of any further survivors were fading fast.但当他们爬上废墟时,很快发现,救出更多幸存者的希望变得更加渺茫了。

10.You just keep me contemplating, that your soul is slowly fading God don't you know I pve with a ton of regret?你只是让我一直凝视你,凝视着你的灵魂缓慢消逝老天,你不知道我一直生活在无穷的后悔中吗?