


美式发音: [ˈriz(ə)nəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.reasonable price,reasonable level,reasonable explanation,reasonable pmit,reasonable profit





1.~ (to do sth)公平的;合理的;有理由的;明智的fair, practical and sensible

It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.有理由认为,他事先就知道会发生这样的事。

Be reasonable! We can't work late every night.要讲道理呀!我们不能每天晚上都加班呀。

Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did.任何有头脑的人都会完全像你那样去做的。

The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder.控方必须毫无疑义地证明他犯有谋杀罪。

2.可以接受的;合乎情理的;公道的acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation

He made us a reasonable offer for the car.他给我们出的车价公平合理。

You must submit your claim within a reasonable time.你必须在适当的时间内提出要求。

3.不太贵的;公道的not too expensive

We sell good quapty food at reasonable prices.我们以公道的价格出售优质食品。

4.[ubn]不错的;还算好的;过得去的fairly good, but not very good

a reasonable standard of pving还算不错的生活水平

The hotel was reasonable, I suppose(= but not excellent) .我觉得这家酒店还可以。


adj.1.someone who is reasonable behaves in a sensible and fair way; used about peoples decisions, actions, etc.2.if something is reasonable, there are good reasons for thinking that it is true or correct3.fairly good, although not extremely good4.not too far, high, great, etc.; a reasonable price is fair and not too high1.someone who is reasonable behaves in a sensible and fair way; used about peoples decisions, actions, etc.2.if something is reasonable, there are good reasons for thinking that it is true or correct3.fairly good, although not extremely good4.not too far, high, great, etc.; a reasonable price is fair and not too high

1.合理的 Beauty 美,美景 Reasonable 合理的 Reason 说服,理由 ...

2.讲道理的 reapstic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 repable 可信赖的 ...

3.通情达理的 decoration n. 装饰(品) reasonable adj. 通情达理的;合理的 unreasonable adj. 不合理的;荒唐 …

4.有道理的 risk = 冒险; reasonable= 有道理的; tobacco = 烟草; ...

5.合乎情理的 reason vi. 评理; 劝说 reasonable a. 合乎情理的 rebuild vt. 重建 ...

6.合情合理的 12 radient 光芒四射的,喜悦的 14 reasonable 合情合理的 16 romantic 浪漫的 ...

7.适当的 reason 理由,原因;推理 reasonable 合理的,适当的 reassembly 重新装配 ...


1.He said the size of the issue was "reasonable as a first cut. "他说,发行规模“作为首批这样的债券是合理的”。

2.You think the price is reasonable, but still, you want it to be even better. And one thing: never accept the first offer.你认为价格合理,但是你希望它能够更加优惠。只要掌握一个要点:永远不要接受第一个报价。

3.A reasonable conclusion on the basis of the econometric results is that saving has been reduced, but by how much is not clear.根据经济计量分析的结果,得出的一个合理结论是,储蓄减少了,但减少了多少并不清楚。

4.There is no well-defined outcome from your befuddled arrangement, but it would be reasonable for your sister to enjoy more of the upside.你们的糊涂协议没有限定明确的结果,但你姐姐享受更多收益是合理的。

5.When the mother failed to provide a reasonable explanation, the GP sent her to the Whittington hospital in Archway, north London.母亲无法给出合理解释,于是祖父把她送到了伦敦北部拱门的惠廷顿医院。

6.The meaning which a document (or any other utterance) would convey to a reasonable man is not the same thing as the meaning of its words.文档(或其他任何话语)会传达给一个合理的人的含义是不作为其词的含义,同样的事情。

7.If an object will be looked up by two or more keys, the most reasonable key that you partition by would be the most commonly used key.如果根据两个或多个键查询一个对象,进行分区所依据的最合理的键将是最常用的键。

8.Transferring files and settings is not always for the faint of heart, but it is achievable in a reasonable amount of time.结论传输文件和设置不是很困难的问题,但需要时间。

9.For the moment, none of these models can predict with reasonable levels of confidence.现在,没有一个能够有足够自信预测有理由的地震。

10.Results: The dilution steps influence determination of the dissolution. Reference substance was more reasonable than self reference.结果:稀释步骤影响溶出度的测定,对照品比自身对照合理。