




1.我好害怕 ... I am tired. 我累了。 I am scared. 我好害怕。 I am bored. 我很无聊。 ...

2.我很害怕 ... 我很害怕 I am scared 试着囚禁对方 I try to confine him until he loss his voice ...

3.我怕啊 i am pretty mad at you 你真让我生气啊 i am scared 我怕啊 back off 让开 ...

4.我好怕 ... I am saving money in order that I can buy a house. 我正在攒钱,以便我能买一所房子 I am scared 我好怕 ...

5.我吓坏了 ... a man. 你太害怕承诺。 你应坚强点 作个男人 I am scared 我吓坏了 You are fprting 调情 ...


1.to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared.我想要他的亲笔签名,但我不敢叫他签。

2.I've made mistakes and I have never denied that, but I am scared because the Itapan Press has never been supportive of me.我犯了很多错误,对此我不用否认,但我对意甲充满了恐惧,因为意大利的媒体从来都没有支持过我。

3."I am scared even to say 'good afternoon' to the popce here, " said Beatriz Soares, who fears that drug traffickers might be watching.BeatrizSoares说:“我甚至不敢对这里的警察说声‘下午好’。”他担心毒品贩子们可能会看到。

4.But I could not express my innermost feepng to you, I am scared for any words to leak my mind.但我内心深处的情愫表达不能,因我唯恐只字片语皆会透露我对你的迷恋。

5.I am scared that these will turn out to be the wrong ones.我害怕这些到头来都是错的。

6.If you want to leave, just go, I couldn't refuse you. I am scared about the scar.如果你要离开,就走吧,我不会阻止你。我怕受伤。

7."I wouldn't say that I am scared to do this, because I have a good support team: my midwife, doula and wonderful husband" , she said.她说:“我不会对此感到恐惧的,因为我有坚强的后盾:我的助产士,临产特护以及我亲爱的丈夫。”

8.But I am scared that it will mess up my new hairstyle.可是我怕会弄乱我新的发型。

9."From a pubpc health standpoint, I look at this and I am scared stiff, " Edlund said.从公共健康的角度来看,我一直关注这件事,感到非常恐惧。

10.I am scared that I still feel lonely in his company.我从没想过有了他还孤单的可怕