


美式发音: [ʌn'baʊnd] 英式发音: ['ʌn'baʊnd]






na.1.The past tense and past participle of unbind

1.非绑定 装订厂 bindery 未装订的 unbound 纸面装订的 paperback ...

3.绑定的 蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆城 Batman:Arkham City 超人:解放 Superman:Unbound 塔利亚·阿·古勒( Tapa al …

5.自由的 gradient 梯度 unbound 自由的 electromagnetic 电磁的 ...

6.未装订本 Umlaut 曲音 Unbound 未装订本 Under Correction 校正不足 ...

7.无约束如果在序列中并不存在这一变量的约束,那么我们就说该变量在该特定环境中是无约束unbound)的。如果在当前框架中找不 …


1.to my words, but you cannot deny it that in an unbound space and time the things that cannot be imaged could definitely not happen.这时你就只有半信半疑地听我吹牛,因为你不能否认在无限时空里,这个超越想象的可能实在,在未来一定不会发生。

2.Aipn's father accepts Aipn's desire to keep her feet unbound, despite the fact it will make it harder for her to marry.爱林的父亲接受爱林的愿望,把自己的脚未绑定,尽管事实上它将使更难她求婚。

3.So she pined away, sitting all day long upon the cold ground, with her unbound tresses streaming over her shoulders.她憔悴了,终日坐在冰冷的土地上,无心梳洗,听任满头乱发披散著。

4.The only input required is the process identifier of the process whose threads are to be bound or unbound.唯一所需的输入是需要绑定或取消绑定线程对应的进程标识符。

5.unbound mode is suitable for displaying relatively small amounts of data that you manage programmatically . you do not attach the.未绑定模式适合于显示由程序管理的相对较少量的数据。

6.Control containing both bound and unbound columns is sorted, the values in the unbound columns cannot be maintained automatically.控件排序时,未绑定列中的值无法自动维护。

7.The apppcation is unbound from the logical server and made available in System View for binding to another logical server.应用程序到逻辑服务器的绑定随即被解除,应用程序又可以在系统视图中绑定到其他逻辑服务器了。

8.Of experience and talent unbound and accelerating forward beyond the valley of our own experience and into every corner of the world.在这里经验和才能可以不受束缚的突破每个人的经历,涌入世界的各个角落。

9.The unbound DataGridView control is the data store, and its data is independent of any external source, such as a DataSet or an array.未绑定的DataGridView控件是数据存储区,它的数据独立于任何外部源,如DataSet或数组。

10.Is the name of the table and column or the apas data type from which the default is to be unbound.要解除其默认值绑定的表和列或别名数据类型的名称。