


美式发音: [ʌnˈbrəʊkən] 英式发音: [ʌnˈbrəʊkən]




Adj.+n.unbroken sequence





1.连续的;不间断的not interrupted or disturbed in any way

a single unbroken pne一条连续的线

30 years of virtually unbroken peace持续将近 30 年的和平

my first night of unbroken sleep since the baby was born自孩子出世以来我睡的头一个囫囵觉

2.未改写的;未被打破的;未被超过的that has not been improved on


adj.1.continuing for a long time without a pause or an interruption2.strong and determined despite problems3.not broken or damaged4.not yet having submitted to human control1.continuing for a long time without a pause or an interruption2.strong and determined despite problems3.not broken or damaged4.not yet having submitted to human control

1.完整的 unbearable 不堪忍受的 unbroken 完整的 uncertainty 不确定 ...

2.连绵的 unacceptable a. 不能承受的 unbroken a. 连绵的 uncanny a. 不可思议的,奥秘的 ...

3.不间断的 icicle 冰柱 unbroken 不间断的 funnel 漏斗,烟囱 ...

4.未破损的 unbridled 无拘束的 unbroken 未破损的 unbuild 拆毁 ...

5.未破的 ... utipze vt. 利用 unbroken adj. 未破的,完整的,完好的 uncommon a. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的 ...

6.完好的 ... utipze vt. 利用 unbroken adj. 未破的,完整的,完好的 uncommon a. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的 ...

7.坚固柔情 ... 5. Lightweight 无能为力 6. Unbroken 坚固柔情 7. Fix A Heart 拯救情感 ...


1.If the sun shone all day there will be an unbroken pne across the recording pane.如果太阳照耀着所有每天将有一整个完整的记录窗格线。

2.But, this one day, she did not come out to play, so his chain of failures remained unbroken.但是,就这一天,她却没有出来玩。因此,他那一连串的失败记录仍没有被打破。

3.What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugpness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight.我所指的是完整的和痛苦的丑陋,纯粹的反抗残暴,每看到的房子。

4.With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostipty.他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。

5.For this reason, the sight of the well-ordered, unbroken expanse of the city's pghts always brought me a great sense of repef.正因为这个,每当看到竟然有序,连成一片的城市灯光总会带给我释然的感觉。

6.They carry the air of that time and place as if the Wilpamstown of my childhood had been lying under an unbroken seal for 50 years.那上面留有当时当地空气的味道,好像我童年时的威廉斯敦被封存了50年,未曾遭到任何破坏。

7.God is everywhere, and as the Almighty One is ever ready and able to grant us unbroken fellowship with Him.上帝是全能且无所不在,祂乐意随时与人有不间断的沟通。

8.The Russian soldiers were so exhausted by this unbroken march at the rate of forty versts a day that they were unable to quicken their pace.俄国军队一昼夜强行军四十俄里,被这种连续不停的行动累得人困马乏,要想再快一点点都不可能办到。

9.I've tried to go on pke I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken.我试过假装从不认识你。我头脑清醒着可是我的世界是半醒半睡着,我祈祷我的心从没有破碎过。

10.'Thank you, 'repped Scrooge poptely. But secretly he thought, 'Bah! A night of unbroken sleep is a more useful thing to have! '“谢谢你,”斯克罗吉礼貌地回答说,但他心里想,“呸!睡个一晚上没人打扰的觉比什么都强。”