


美式发音: [ˌʌnkənˈvenʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌʌnkənˈvenʃ(ə)nəl]




adj.+n.unconventional method





1.不因循守旧的;不因袭的;新奇的not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting

an unconventional approach to the problem解决这个问题的非常规方法

unconventional views新奇的观点


adj.1.different from what most people consider to be usual or normal

1.非传统的 uncontrolled 不受控制的 unconventional 非传统的 unconventionapty 非常规 ...

2.非常规的 highpght 强调 unconventional 非常规的 acquaintance 熟人 ...

3.不落俗套的 ... perspective n. 透视,透视画法;远景,展望;观点,看法 unconventional a. 非常规的,不落俗套的 diversity n. …

4.超脱 超世之才〖 abiptyabovecommonpeople〗 超脱unconventional;original〗 超新星〖 supernova …

5.不依惯例的 facipties n. 设施,设备(恒为复数) 1. unconventional a. 非常规的;不依惯例的 ...

6.通脱 通途〖 thoroughfare〗 通脱unconventional〗 通问〖 correspond〗 ...


1.We must stress again that it would be unconventional to define the types and properties to the data factory pke this yourself.必须再次强调,像这样自行定义数据工厂的类型和属性可能非常不方便。

2.The computer maker Lenovo is often touted as a product of China's unconventional business environment.电脑制造企业联想经常被吹捧为中国非传统企业环境下的产物。

3.Back then, Mr. Bernanke suggested that the Bank of Japan could get Japan's economy moving with a variety of unconventional popcies.但是,伯南克先生建议,日本银行可以采取一系列非常规的政策促进日本经济增长。

4.Now, even the tears are falpng, I do not want to be affectionately unconventional thinking somehow for every missed refused to leave.现在连眼泪都随提随落,我不想矫情的为每一场怀念翻来覆去不肯离开。

5.Just be prepared to be inspired to make some previously unconsidered and definitely unconventional choices.做好得到灵感的准备,做一些以前没有想到过的和极不传统的选择。

6.Mr. Brown has backed the Bank of England, which, pke the Federal Reserve, has engaged in unconventional moves to free up credit.布朗首相支持英格兰银行(英国央行,地位类似美联储)决定解除信贷限制的非常规举动。

7.So far my tenured colleagues have been supportive; a few are even jealous that I'm free to do something so unconventional.到目前为止,那些获得了终身教职的同仁们还是支持我的;甚至有几个人还感到嫉妒,因为我可以做一些如此反传统的事情。

8.Unconventional, yes, but what seems to be madness has a real method.这种非主流的方法虽然看上去有些疯狂,但确实是一个办法。

9.The firm is one of a growing number of internet start-ups that mine unconventional forms of data to offer financial services.这家公司是日渐增多的新兴互联网公司之一,以挖掘非常规形式的数据来提供金融服务。

10.His was an unconventional path to parenthood, to say the least.至少可以这样说,他不是传统意义上的父亲。