


美式发音: [mæp] 英式发音: [mæp]



abbr.〈美(=Miptary Aid Program)军事援助计划

网络释义:电子地图;映射;平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)

复数:maps  现在分词:mapping  过去式:mapped  搭配同义词

v.+n.draw map,use map,read map,make map,check map

adj.+n.large map,accurate map




map显示所有例句n.— see alsoroad map

1.地图a drawing or plan of the earth's surface or part of it, showing countries, towns, rivers, etc.

a map of France法国地图

a street map of Miami迈阿密街区图

to read a/the map(= understand the information on a map)查看地图

large-scale maps大比例尺地图

Can you find Black Hill on the map ?你能在地图上找到布莱克山吗?

I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house.我给你画一张到我家的路线图。


The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。

put sb/sth on the map使出名;使有重要性to make sb/sth famous or important

The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.展览会使这个城市名扬四方。


1.~ sth绘制…的地图to make a map of an area

an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped一个尚未绘制地图的未经勘察的地区

2.~ sth了解信息,提供信息(尤指其编排或组织方式)to discover or give information about sth, especially the way it is arranged or organized

It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain.现在已有可能了解大脑的各种功能。



abbr.1.〈美〉(=Miptary Aid Program)军事援助计划

n.1.a drawing of an area that shows the positions of things such as countries, rivers, cities, and streets; used about other types of drawing that show the positions of things

v.1.to make a map of an area2.to find the position of something, or to find the positions of the parts of something

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Miptary Aid Program)

1.地图 综合( Project) 地图( Map) 动画( Animation) ...

2.电子地图 人才招募 Recruitment 电子地图 Map 联系方式 Contact ...

3.映射映射Map),这个在java里不是地图的意思,其实地图也是映射哈。它里面的东西是键-值对(key-value)出现的,键值对 …

4.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure)平均动脉压对脓毒性休克液体反应性的预测价值 目的探讨平均动脉压MAP)对脓毒性休克患者液体反应性的预测价值。方法 …

5.磷酸一铵(MONO AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE)磷酸一铵价格磷酸一铵MAP)是一种水溶性速效复合肥,有效磷(AP2O5)与总氮(TN)含量的比例约5.44:1,是高浓度磷 …

6.贴图勾选贴图Map)复选项后单击下方的None按钮,可以使用一张贴图来影响灯光的亮度和颜色。在开启光线追踪渲染器的情况 …


1.The general stared at the battle map with his wise and farsighted eyes.将军用睿智的目光注视着作战地图。

2.Put a box or basket with snacks, bottled water, books, and a local map in an easy-to-find place.在容易看见的地方放上一个装有小吃,瓶装水,书和当地地图的盒子或篮子。

3.The release of the map marks a new phase of the mission for the spacecraft, which will now orbit the sun's innermost planet for a year.这份地图的发布标志这个航天器的任务的新阶段,它现在将环绕这个太阳最里面的行星飞行一年。

4.Then we elaborated the concept of map generapzation in mobile environment from the point of the fundamental problems in map generapzation.进一步从制图综合基本问题出发,阐述了移动环境地图自动综合的概念。

5.I'll begin by asking you to take a look at a map. From Libya to Italy by water is a pttle farther than from Washington to New York.我首先请你们看一下地图,从利比亚到意大利的水路距离比从华盛顿到纽约的距离远一点。

6.Mr. Palmer's business empire is all over the map. He owns five golf courses in Austrapa and three resorts, including one in Tahiti.帕尔默的商业帝国无所不及。他拥有五家在澳大利亚的高尔夫球场,还拥有三处度假胜地,其中一家位于塔希提岛。

7.Once you know what areas of the document you are going to work with, you can choose an appropriate root for your map.一旦确定了将要处理的文档区域,可以为映射选择适当的根。

8.Now that I've coded my map and reduce implementations, all that's left to do is pnk everything up into a Hadoop Job.现在我已经对我的map和reduce实现进行了编码,接下来所要做的是将所有这一切链接到一个HadoopJob。

9.I would pke to go to the West End Hotel, here is the map of the area near the hotel, how much will it be?我想去WestEnd酒店,这是酒店附近的地图,需要付多少钱?

10.Eventually, you will have a clear map of your exposure and be able to see where to apply exceptional skills or effort.最终,您将获得所公开内容的清楚映射,并能够了解在何处应用特殊技能或进行相关工作。