




1.巴金斯这就是巴金斯Baggins)的家。当你进入房间以后,你会看到一个叫弗里德加?博尔格(Fredegar Bolger)的霍比特人。


1.There 's always been a Baggins pving here under the Hill. . .巴金斯家族一直都有成员住在山丘下的…

2.Bilbo Baggins: Fatty Bolger. Lovely to see you. Welcome, welcome.比尔博。巴金斯:小胖博哲,很高兴见到你,欢迎。

3.The new film needs a younger Baggins and McAvoy is said to be the producers first choice.这部新的电影需要一个年轻的巴金斯,而詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊据说是制片商的首选。

4.The eldest of these, and Bilbo's favourite, was young Frodo Baggins.这其中年龄最大的,也是毕尔博最喜欢的就是年轻的弗拉多。

5.This ring has infinite mysterious force, rings Sauron was originally a dark king of all, they unexpectedly into the hands of Frodo Baggins.这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原来是黑暗君王索伦所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。

6.Martin Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, bubbled with praise for his director.马丁弗里曼,比尔伯巴金斯的扮演者,对导演不吝赞扬之情。

7.you were the one Baggins that showed real spirit.只有你有一种冒险的精神

8.You want it for yourself! - Bilbo Baggins!你只想独吞它-比尔博巴金斯!

9.Baggins, and stuck one thumb behind his braces, and blew out another even bigger smoke-ring.比尔博将拇指插进腰带,又吐出另一个更大的烟圈。

10.There were supposed to be 144 Hobbits at Bilbo Baggins's party. Due to budgetary constraints, there are actually only 100.在比尔博·巴金斯的生日晚会上应该有144个哈比人,但是考虑到经费问题,实际上只有100个。