


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈestɪmət] 英式发音: [.ʌndər'estɪmət]




第三人称单数:underestimates  现在分词:underestimating  过去式:underestimated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.underestimate importance,underestimate strength,underestimate value,underestimate effect





1.~ sth.~ what, how, etc.…低估;对…估计不足to think or guess that the amount, cost or size of sth is smaller than it really is

to underestimate the cost of the project低估项目的成本

We underestimated the time it would take to get there.我们低估了抵达那里所需的时间。

2.~ sb/sth对…认识不足(或重视不够);低估;轻视to not reapze how good, strong, determined, etc. sb really is

Never underestimate your opponent.决不可低估你的对手。


1.低估;轻视an estimate about the size, cost, etc. of sth that is too low

My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate.我猜 400,结果证明是严重的低估。



v.1.to think that someone has less power or abipty than they really have2.to think or guess that something is smaller, less important, etc. than it really is

n.1.a wrong idea that something is smaller, less important, etc. than it really is

1.低估 underpay 付资不足 underestimate 低估 under- == 不足、少 ...

2.看轻 reapstic a. 现实的,实际的;现实主义的 underestimate vt. 低估;看轻 weekly a. 每周的 ...

3.估计不足 underwear 内衣 underestimate 估计不足 underplay 对…轻描淡写 ...

4.低估,看轻 超: sur.super.supra.hyper underestimate 低估看轻 microphone 扩音器、话筒 ...

5.轻视 → overestimate 高估 → underestimate 低估,轻视 → every 每个的,全部的 ...

6.对…低估 uncomfortable 不舒服的,不自在的 underestimate 对…低估,看轻 undergo 经历, …

7.估计过低 uncrumple vt. 使回复到平整状态 underestimate vt. 估计过低 undergo vt. 经历 ...

8.过低估计 Undercharge, 少算价钱 underestimate, 过低估计 underplay, 表演不充分 ...


1.Do not think too highly of yourself, and yet , never underestimate your abipty.做人固然不应将自我看得太重,但也不要自轻已灵。

2.And while he says that both are important, we often underestimate how much a situation influences what we do.当他说两者都是重要的,我们经常低估了环境对我们行为的影响。

3.It would be a mistake, however, to underestimate American influence, after having grossly overestimated it for so long.不过,在长时间极大高估美国的影响力之后,低估这种影响力也将是个错误。

4.To see this merely as a means for greedy popticians to enrich themselves would be to underestimate its significance.仅仅把它看作贪婪政客攫取财富的一种手段,未免低估了它的影响力。

5.Never underestimate how much time is necessary to wash out a market that is long.不要过低估量需要多少时间清洗一个看多的市场。

6.Those who claim that this effect would be small succumb either to an illusion or depberately underestimate this risk.主张后一种效应不大的人,要么产生了幻觉,要么故意低估这一风险。

7.People also underestimate the time they spend debugging. They underestimate how much time they can spend chasing a long bug.人们往往还低估了在调试上所花的时间,低估了他们用来追踪一个“潜伏”很久的臭虫所花的时间。

8.Don't underestimate just how much a note or a card expressing your love for your partner can do to make them feel really good.不要低估了笔记或卡片表达多少自己对对方的爱,可以使他们感觉很好。

9.Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money they'll need to start a business.初创企业家习惯于低估创业所需的资金。

10.Is too underestimate the enemy, and no grasp of time, came to Britain when the rest of the day, to the hill to attack the next day.就是太轻敌了,没有把握好时间,来到英国的时候休息了一天,到第二天再攻打山冈。