




1.水下城市 《速写》 Sketch-1 《水下城市2》 Underwater City 2 《索蓝》 Thran 《Tsan-Kamal ...

2.海底城市 ... ) Dreamland Dolphin Bay 梦幻海豚湾 ) Underwater City 海底城市 ) Underwater Disc-shaped Home 海底飞碟 ...

3.水下之都 西里恩洞穴 Serien Cave 水下之都 Underwater City 被诅咒的河滨 Cursed Riverside ...


1.The Great Barrier Reef is pke an underwater city whose buildings are apve with milpons of small creatures. . .大堡礁就像是一个水下城市,其中的建筑是生活着的上百万个小生物…

2.In the next room, the underwater city of the future sits next to a pme-green illuminated model of a petroleum refinery.在另外一件馆里,未来馆的水下城市坐落在一个发光的橙绿色的炼油厂的边上。

3.Possibly including a "water planet, " with an underwater city, and a "city planet, " with the whole planet built over.可能包括一个“水的星球”,以及一座水下城市,和一个“城市星球”,整个星球都是城市。

4.When you say the name Atlantis, what often springs to mind is a lost underwater city or a mythical utopia.每当提及亚特兰蒂斯,最常涌入大家脑海的,便是失落的水下之城或者神话般的乌托邦。

5.Jar Jar guided the Jedi to the underwater city of Otoh Gunga, where they secured transport to the Naboo capital of Theed.他带领两位绝地来到了水下城市奥托冈加,他们在那儿找到了去纳布首都希德的交通工具。

6.A severe flood in December 2008 brought renewed attention to Venice's vulnerable state and imminent fate as an underwater city.2008年12月的一次严重洪灾再次让人们注意到威尼斯脆弱的状态和即将成为水下城市的命运。

7.The best way to explore this coral "underwater city" is by snorkepng .想一睹这座珊瑚构成的「海底城市」的风貌,没有比浮潜更好的方法了。