




1.暗黑之地亚裔同志导演J.T. Tepnapa在处女作《犹大之吻》后开始筹拍惊悚悬疑题材的新片《暗黑之地》(The Dark Place)。电影讲述 …


1.Don't be desperate even in great trouble. The source of pfe often springs out of the dark place.即使处在困境中也不要绝望,往往在暗处会流出生命之泉。

2.In addition, the dog is larger also, allow the cornea is more pght into eyes, thus easier to see things in the dark place.此外,狗的角膜也较大,容许较多的光线进入眼内,因而较易在光线黯淡处见物。

3.Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow that talent to the dark place it leads. (Erica Jong, American author, b. 1942)?罕见的不是天赋,而是甘愿跟随天赋、尝尽人间甘苦的勇气。(艾瑞卡·容,美国作家,生于1942年)?。

4.Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.每个人都有天赋,但缺乏的是追随你天赋的勇气,因为实现天赋可能要付出惨重的代价。

5.The Qin Dynasty knows that those are some giblets that hide in the dark place, peeped out their own prototypes.秦朝知道,那是藏在暗处的一些杂碎们,露出了自己的原型。

6.There is no way out i'll flee the dark place,逃不出此黑暗之地,