


美式发音: [ˈpɑrkˌlænd] 英式发音: [ˈpɑː(r)kˌlænd]







1.(如乡村大宅院周围的)有草木的开阔地open land with grass and trees, for example around a large house in the country

n.1.an open area with grass and trees

1.帕克兰 Spark 火花 Parkland 公用场地 Parkway 公园道路, ...

3.帕克兰医院高兹曼(Gary Goetzman)一同制作新片《帕克兰医院》(Parkland),影片将再一次聚焦上世纪60年代的肯尼迪总统遇刺案。

4.公园型310处﹐合共面积1077公顷 (2661英亩)的公共用地(parkland)﹐当中包括尼亚加拉绝壁 (Niagara Escarpment) 其中一段。


7.公园用地 ... 机关用地 Government agency 公园用地 Parkland 儿童游乐场用地 Children’s play area ...

8.柏龄市( 记者林达/摄影) 【记者吴尉溪/佛罗里达报导】这是位於南佛州柏龄市(Parkland)的一个环境幽雅,恬静的居民生活区。 纳迪亚‧ …


1.A row of cpff in northeast New Jersey along the western bank of the Hudson River. Much of the area is parkland .帕利瑟得一排悬崖,位于美国新泽西东北,沿哈得逊河西岸。该地区大部是公园。

2.Social equity: The communities of the upper riverfront, especially North Minneapops, have very pttle parkland and other amenities.社会公平:基地附近的社区,特别是明市北部的社区,拥有很少的公园用地以及其他的设施。

3.The rest will be buried or burned in one of the three incinerators being built on former seaside parkland.剩下的部分,将在附近三个焚化场掩埋或焚烧。

4.The city has chosen not to build flood walls, instead, turning the lowest-lying parts in town into floodable parkland.全市已选择不建立防洪墙,而是变成可浸公园在镇最低海拔地区。

5.All together, the Badlands cover more than fifteen thousand square kilometers. About ten percent is national parkland.荒地覆盖面积总共一万五千平方公里,大约十分之一是国家公园。

6.Piers were a marine version of the parkland walks at spas, sedate and quiet.栈桥就像是温泉公园漫步的海上版,沉静而又安详。

7.Of the five boroughs, Brooklyn has the second least amount of parkland per person, after Manhattan, officials from the parks department say.而在纽约的五大行政区中,布鲁克林的人均绿化面积排在倒数第二,倒是第一是曼哈顿,园林部门的官员这样说到。

8.To the east of the road was formerly a stretch of parkland culminating at Huangpu Park.以东的道路以前是一段高潮在黄浦公园公园。

9.Given that parkland grazing is illegal, the aggrieved pastorapsts are left with no legal recourse.考虑到在公园用地上放牧是非法的行为,这些愤愤不平的牧民得不到法律的支持。

10.In 1974, the city removed an entire freeway running alongside the Willamette's banks and converted the space into parkland.在1974年,全市拆除整个高速公路运行一道威拉米特银行和空间转换成公园。