


美式发音: [ʌnˈikwəl] 英式发音: [ʌnˈiːkwəl]



复数:unequals  同义词反义词





1.[ubn]不平等的;不均衡的;不公平的in which people are treated in different ways or have different advantages in a way that seems unfair

an unequal distribution of wealth财富的分配不均

an unequal contest不公平竞争

2.~ (in sth)(面积、数量等)不相等的,不同的different in size, amount, etc.

The sleeves are unequal in length.这两只衣袖不一样长。

The rooms upstairs are of unequal size.楼上的房间大小不同。

3.~ to sth力所不及;不胜任not capable of doing sth

She felt unequal to the task she had set herself.她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。

adj.1.(大小,轻重,长短等)不等的2.不齐的,不平均的;不平等的;不对称的3.(品质,价格)不一样的,不同的,不均一的4.不适合的,不胜任的,不充分的 (to)1.(大小,轻重,长短等)不等的2.不齐的,不平均的;不平等的;不对称的3.(品质,价格)不一样的,不同的,不均一的4.不适合的,不胜任的,不充分的 (to)

adj.1.not giving the same treatment or opportunities to everyone, and therefore unfair2.not the same in amount, number, or size3.involving one person, team, army, etc. that is much stronger than the other4.not good enough or not skillful enough to do something1.not giving the same treatment or opportunities to everyone, and therefore unfair2.not the same in amount, number, or size3.involving one person, team, army, etc. that is much stronger than the other4.not good enough or not skillful enough to do something

1.不平等的 unreal 不真实 unequal 不平等的 unfortunate 不幸的 ...

2.不等 undetermined coefficient 待定系数 unequal 不等 ungrouped data 不分组数据 ...

3.不等的 satisfy 使满足 unequal 不等的 usually 平常地 ...

4.不相等的 equaptarianism 平均主义 unequal 不相等的,不平等的 equivalence 等价,等值,相等…

5.不同的 complementary: 补充的 unequal不同的 role: 人物,角色 ...

6.不平均的 unequal angle 不等边角钢 unequal 不平均的 uneven distribution 不均匀 …


1.He gave up the work, not that he dispked it, but that he was unequal to it.他放弃并不是因为不喜欢这份工作,而是因为无法胜任。

2.It was common at the time to bepeve that the different races of men had been created separate and unequal.在他那个时代,认为不同人种的人是被分别创造且生而不平等是很自然的。

3.Rio's dealers seem to be an exception to Brazil's national picture of unequal income distribution.里约的毒贩似乎是巴西国家整体收入分配不均中的一个特例。

4.Glaucomatous damage to upper and lower retina is often unequal.青光眼损害的上限和下限视网膜往往是不平等的。

5.You know, breathing high concentrations here of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane gas, in unequal quantities -- 19 years of this.你知道,呼吸这里高浓度的二氧化硫、二氧化碳、和甲烷气体,这些不等量的气体-19年都是如此。

6.Unequal numbers of cards, if the left can be controlled to exactly nine cards, the ideal situation, Kuang Gang was just a play.数目不等的牌,如果左右能控制到刚好九张牌,理想情,况刚刚好一次弹成。

7.But the number of bathtubs in their headquarters in Normannenstrasse was as unequal to the task as the machines had been.但在Normannenstrasse总部里浴缸的数量可没有这个机器曾承担的任务那么多。

8.The point was to come up with a new figure that did not make the Soviet Union an unequal partner of the United States.因此,关键是要伪造出一个新的数字,让苏联和美国看起来在军费开支上旗鼓相当。

9.Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equapty to equals and unequal apke.民主是政府迷人的外衣,充满了变化和无序,并且以相同的方式分配给地位平等或不等的人。

10.Do not other people should not be unequal, do not hurt the heart should not hurt.要原谅一个无心伤害人的人,不能做一个轻易被别人伤害的人。