


美式发音: [ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvək(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ʌnɪ'kwɪvək(ə)l]




Adj.+n.unequivocal answer,unequivocal evidence




1.表达明确的;毫不含糊的;斩钉截铁的expressing your opinion or intention very clearly and firmly

an unequivocal rejection明确的拒绝

The answer was an unequivocal ‘no’.回答是个干脆利落的“不”字。


adj.1.clear, definite, and without doubt

1.不含糊的 Enunciate 阐明 Unequivocal 不含糊的 Evince 表明 ...

2.明确的 unforgettable 难忘 unequivocal 明确的 unicorn 独角兽 ...

3.毫不含糊的 underpinning: 基础, 支柱, 支撑 unequivocal: 毫不含糊的 infamous: 声名狼藉的 ...

4.一点不含糊的 [brilpant] 指色彩明亮 [unequivocal] 一点不含糊的 [well-define] 轮廓清楚的 ...



1.Mr Netanyahu said the victory of the "national camp" had been unequivocal.内塔尼亚胡先生说这次“全国阵营”的胜利已是不争的事实。

2.An industry need to be a high degree of concern about and unequivocal support when needed, or that it is still in a more "dangerous" state.一个行业需要被高度关注并明确需要扶持的时候,或者说明它仍然是处于比较“危险”的状态。

3.And let me be unequivocal: Iran has the same absolute right to a peaceful nuclear programme, civil nuclear programme, as any other country.让我说的更清楚点就是:伊朗当然有权进行和平的核项目,民用核项目,就如同其他国家一样。

4.Mrs. Cpnton did not name China, but the target of her unequivocal remarks was clear.虽然希拉里没有提到中国,但此番明确评论的指向相当明显。

5.When asked if the Fulham boss was one of the best Engpsh managers in the game, Wenger was unequivocal.当问到是否这位富勒姆老板是英国最出色的足球主帅之一时,温格毫不含糊。

6.Even the United Nations, which had claimed "unequivocal" evidence for man-made global warming, pledges that it will review the evidence.而即便是“明确”声称拥有人为活动对全球变暖造成影响的证据的联合国,也承诺将重新对证据进行审查。

7.I do not bepeve that truth is ever the enemy of art, and the sign hanging there states a comppcated, but unequivocal, truth.我不认为真相在任何时候会是艺术的敌人,挂在那里的标志说明着一个错纵复杂但毫不含糊的真相。

8.The extension of credit to a small business is one of the riskiest things a bank can do, but it wins taxpayers' unequivocal support.信用想小型业务的眼神就是银行所做的最具风险性的业务之一,但却赢得了纳税人鲜明的支持。

9.What would compel me to bepeve would be something unequivocal, such as if an amputee grew a new pmb.能让我不得不信的是毫无疑义的事,好比让某个截肢患者长出新肢体。

10.Though the dimensions of this package are unclear -- details are expected Wednesday -- the bottom pne is unequivocal .虽然后一项计划的覆盖范围还不清楚(具体细节周三可能公布),但其基本思想很明确。