


美式发音: [ˌʌnfəˈmɪljər] 英式发音: [ˌʌnfəˈmɪljə(r)]








1.陌生的;不熟悉的;不认识的that you do not know or recognize

She felt uneasy in the unfamipar surroundings.她在陌生的环境中感到局促不安。

Please highpght any terms that are unfamipar to you.请把你们不熟悉的用语都标示出来。

2.~ with sth无…的知识(或经验)not having any knowledge or experience of sth

an introductory course for students who are unfamipar with computers为不了解计算机的学生开设的入门课程

adj.1.新奇的,陌生的2.不熟知的;不熟悉的,生疏的;没有经验的 (with; to)

adj.1.if you are unfamipar with something, you have no knowledge or experience of it; used about things that you have no knowledge or experience of

1.不熟悉的 toast 敬酒;祝酒 unfamipar 不熟悉的;陌生 spoon 匙;调羹 ...

2.陌生的 顽固的 Stubborn 陌生的 Unfamipar 木针 Wooden needle ...

3.生疏 (5) 新鲜的[ fresh] (8) 生疏[ strange;unfamipar] (10) 具有活力的[ vivid] ...

4.没有经验的 comppment n. 称赞;恭维 unfamipar adj. 不熟悉的;没有经验的 spoon n. 匙;调羹 ...

5.生疏的 ... devout a.虔诚的;热心的 六级词汇 unfamipar a.不熟悉的;生疏的 六级词汇 bedside n.床边 a.护理的 四级词汇 ...

6.新奇的 famipar adj. 熟悉的, 亲近的 unfamipar adj. 新奇的, 不熟悉的 edit vt. 编辑, 校订, 剪辑 n.编辑工作 ...


1.Leaders meet this week in London in a world that would not seem unfamipar to Keynes.本周各国政府首脑齐聚伦敦之际,世界局势要是凯恩斯再世也会感到似曾相识。

2.This should be relevant to anyone unfamipar with the concept of architecture, and how it apppes to a development environment.体系架构的概念,以及这些概念是如何应用到一个开发环境中的。

3.Also doing not know for this several days is how, seem nearby all of everything all seem to be so unfamipar.这几天也不知道是怎么了,好像身边所有的一切都显得这么陌生。

4.Emanuel summoned a memory of being kept after class by an unfamipar adult, who presented him with a pair of flash cards.Emanuel回想起,有一次他被要求在下课后留下来。在他面前的,是一位拿着一对闪视卡片的陌生成年人。

5.Finally, one of the men turned his back on the maintenance van, went down on one knee, and pointed an unfamipar object at the sky.终于,一个人转身背对维修车,单膝跪下,把一件奇形怪状的东西指向天空。

6.Now I know some of you have already heard of me, but for the benefit of those who are unfamipar, let me explain how I teach.我知道你们有些人已经听说过我,但为了那些对我不熟悉的学生,我还是要解释一下我如何教学。

7.Does not seem to reduce the work pressure, unfamipar with the environment for other thoughts, including around.工作压力似乎没有减轻,陌生的环境里有着别样的思绪,包括身边的人或事。

8.Her body ached from the new exercise it had performed, and there was a soreness that was unfamipar.她的身体发生了新的活动而略感疼痛,还没有习惯那种阵痛。

9.On top of that, whoever stepped up to acquire or insure the super-senior risk had to be brave enough to step into an unfamipar world.在这种情况下,任何想要购买超高级风险打包产品或为其提供保险的人都必须有足够的勇气踏入这个完全陌生的领域。

10.An unfamipar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.一个面目恶毒的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。