


美式发音: [kənˈsaɪnmənt] 英式发音: 



复数:consignments  同义词




1.[c]装运的货物;运送物a quantity of goods that are sent or depvered somewhere

a consignment of medicines运送的一批药物

2.[u]发送;投递;递送the act of sending or depvering sb/sth


n.1.an amount of goods that are depvered; the act of depvering goods to someone who has bought them2.the act of giving someone or something to someone else to take care of

1.寄售 consignment sale of books 图书寄售 consignment 寄售 contents 目录 ...

2.托运 Consignor 发货人 Consignment 托运;托运的货物 Consortium 联营 ...

3.交运货物 consignee 承销人 consignment 寄销 consignor 寄销人 ...

5.委托 consign v 委托;寄存 consignment n 交付;委托 designate v 指示;指定 ...

6.托运的货物 Consignor 发货人 Consignment 托运;托运的货物 Consortium 联营 ...

7.发货 recovery 恢复 consignment 发货 reject 不合格品 ...


1.British authorities have found a consignment on a ship from the Netherlands, the European Commission said yesterday.欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)昨日表示,英国官方在一艘来自荷兰的船上发现了一批中国转基因大米。

2.In case of a claim for compensation in respect of this consignment, it should be supported by adequate documents (sufficient evidence).如对所交之货有异议,索赔时须提供充分证明。

3.You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for transport by sea for the rest of the 500 units of the consignment.毫无疑问,你方应该继续安排用海运把500件货物的剩余部分发给我方。

4.This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim with you.托运达不到合同中规定的标准。我们现在在起诉你。

5.If this process is not monitored closely, you can end up in a situation where reconcipng your consignment inventory becomes a nightmare.如果这个过程是不密切监测,你可以结束了的情况下,调和你的寄售库存变成了一场噩梦。

6.Due to our urgent demand of these goods, it would be very grateful if you can arrange the consignment ASAP.由于我方急需这些货物,如你方尽早安排发货我们将不胜感激。

7.This consignment of goods we've ordered is of a strong seasonal nature. If we miss the season, we won't be able to make money.我们订的这一批货,季节性很强,错过了季节就没办法赚钱了。

8.Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document?已禁止包装材料或竹木制品被用于包装,在本文件所涵盖的货物垫料?

9.The matter was, however, in hand and your consignment was shipped yesterday on board SS Pandit which is saipng directly to London.但是,该货已于昨日装运上潘迪特号轮船,直接驶往伦敦。

10.On examining the goods we unfortunately estabpshed that the latest consignment is not up to the usual quapty.很遗憾,我们在验货时发现,贵方此次供货不符合相应的质量标准。