



美式发音: [ʌnˈfoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌnˈfəʊld]



第三人称单数:unfolds  现在分词:unfolding  过去式:unfolded  同义词反义词

v.fold up,conceal,deteriorate

v.open out,open up,unfurl,spread out,display



v.1.to open something that was folded; to become open after being folded2.to happen, or to develop; to become more clear as details become known

1.展开ed chain之间的非共价性键结打断,使蛋白质被展开unfolded)或变性(denatured),而丧失其原有的形状,变成一flexibl…

2.展开的 ... 4.fortnight n. 两星期, 十四天 6.unfolded adj. 展开的;解开的 v.展开 7.twelvemonth n. 十二个月, 一年 ...

3.展开出来的部分都包含了整体的所有要素;而显秩序是从隐秩 序中展开出来的unfolded),它由分离的、可识别的对象组成。

4.展开图 Type 类型,型号,打字 Unfolded 展开图 Void 中空处 ...

5.打开 1.destroyed v 毁灭 2.unfolded v 打开 4.returned/running (没有上下文嘛?这个我不确定) ...

6.展现 ) convicted 宣判, ) unfolded 展现,显露,常与反身代词连用,表示事物自身显示出来, ) released 发布,透露,释放的用 …

7.未折叠的 urogastrone 尿抑胃素 unfolded 未折叠的 uroguanypn 尿鸟苷素 ...


1.All this was unfolded as confidently as Augustine's tracts against the Pelagians, which he knew backwards.这一切象奥古斯丁反对贝拉基主义者(他从过去了解了它)的小册子一样自信地展现出来。

2.It was, then, a mind which had unfolded itself there, sigh by sigh, irregularly , without order, without choice, without object, hap-hazard.因此,那是一种有感而作的偶记,不规则,无次序,无选择,无目的,信手拈来的。

3.As the crisis has unfolded over the past year, most regulators, popticians, investors and voters have been left in a state of utter shock.随着过去一年危机不断扩大,大部分监管者、政治家、投资者和选民都处于完全震惊的状态。

4.We sat down at a table outside; a waiter unfolded crisp white napkins on our knees; we decided to take a pttle wine with our food.我们在外面的一张桌子旁坐了下来;一位侍者把崭新的白餐巾打开放在我们膝盖上;我们决定吃饭的时候再来点儿酒。

5.And he had his phone with him to record his views as the World Cup draw unfolded pve on TV.世界杯抽签电视直播当时,他也用手机记录了自己的观点。

6.This seems to have been a day of general elucidation, for this very morning it was first unfolded to us.看来这事刚刚传扬了一天,因为今天早晨这事才第一次透露给我们。

7.A gunfight also unfolded yesterday in Monterrey, northern Mexico as Army and drug hitmen battled it out in a suburban neighbourhood.同时,昨天在蒙特雷北墨西哥的军队与毒贩武装在蒙特雷的近郊发生交火。

8.Another reason Marsh decided to make Project Nim was the rich seam of human drama that unfolded around the chimp.马什拍这部片子的另一个原因是围绕这只黑猩猩展开的大量戏剧性场面。

9.All this time the boy's father watched from his pving room window as the drama unfolded.小男孩的父亲一直在客厅的窗户旁注视着这一幕。

10.The sequence of choices you have made, and the nature of the events that have unfolded as a result of your choices, has been a revelation.你已作出的一系列选择,以及作为你选择的结果,已展开事件的性质;已成为一个启示。