




1.乐天 LOTTE WORLD 乐天世界 Lotte 明洞乐天(本馆) RAMADA HOTEL & SUITES NAMDAEMUN 南大门华美达 ...


1.Asahi is also planning to start talks with South Korea's No. 1 soft drinks maker Lotte Group for a tie-up in South Korea, the paper said.该报报导称,朝日啤酒还计划与韩国软饮制造业龙头乐天集团(LotteGroup)就在韩国结盟一事进行商谈。

2.We made the investment in tandem with Korea's Lotte Group, which has a great deal of experience across Asia in TV home shopping.我们与韩国乐天集团(LotteGroup)联合进行投资,他们在亚洲电视购物领域有很多经验。

3.Lotte is South Korea's No. 1 department-store operator in terms of sales, controlpng more than 40% of the market.乐天是韩国销售额最高的百货公司经营商,市场占有率逾40%。

4."Many retailers find China tough, " says Yi Il-min, Lotte's director of international business development. "We're quite comfortable. "乐天的国际事务部主管YiIl-min先生说:“许多零售商发现在中国举步维艰,我们却感觉比较舒适。”

5.The Lotte tower was among its largest wins -- in terms of value and height.以合约价值和大厦高度而言,乐天大厦是KPF获得的最大合约之一。

6.Since we couldn't go to Lotte World last weekend, I was just wanting to know how I can make it up to you?因为上周末我们没去乐天世界,我就在想怎么样可以补偿你呢?

7.Yulchon and Shook Lin provided Korean and Singaporean law advice to Lotte Shopping, respectively.律村和旭龄及穆分别为乐天购物提供韩国和新加坡法律顾问。

8.Lotte's latest winter pne includes Bacchus, and Rummy: Cognac-filled, and rum and raisin respectively.Bacchus与Rummy是乐天最新的冬季产品之一,分别配搭干邑白兰地夹心与提子朗姆酒夹心。

9.The movies too have paid tribute to the Nights, from Lotte Reiniger's inventive The Adventures of Prince Achmed, to Disney's Aladdin.几部电影也向《天方夜谭》致敬,比如乐天·雷尼格别出心裁的《王子艾哈迈德历险记》和迪士尼的《阿拉丁》。

10.Shares in Lotte Shopping Co . , South Korea's largest department - store operator , have gained 18 percent over the past month.乐天购物股份公司是韩国最大的百货店运营商,销售额同比上月增加了18%,。