




1.优衣库e,adidas,Puma,kappa,FILA,优衣酷(Uniqlo)等申洲都在生产,我认识几个申洲工作的人,申洲里面的员工很多都偷偷 …

6.优依库“当时是优依库Uniqlo)的时代,人们都想着怎样让优依库8美元的服装显得更酷。”本间正章开始决定改善质量状况,做出高 …


1.Uniqlo is marketing a new pne of products that claim to help wearers burn more calories from just suiting up in the T-shirt and underpants.它正在推销一个新的产品系列,据说,简单地套上这个系列的T恤或内裤,就可以消耗掉更多热量。

2.Analysts and investors worry that trying to match the European interlopers at home took Uniqlo off track.分析师和投资者为优衣库因同这些欧洲“入侵者”较劲儿而脱离正轨感到忧虑。

3.From fiscal year 2012, the retailer will open Uniqlo stores in China at the rate of more than 100 a year, he said.柳井正表示,从2012财年起,优衣库将以每年开100多家店的速度在中国扩张。

4.In the U. S. , Uniqlo plans to open at least 200 stores by 2020, says Shin Odake, chief executive of its U. S. unit.美国方面,美国部总裁ShinOdake称优衣库将在2020年前在美国至少开到200家门店。

5.Shortening the name Uniqlo, he quickly began to make strides.将公司名称缩短为「优衣库」之后,他很快就让公司取得了进展。

6.Last week, Mr. Yanai said that Fast Retaipng aims to open at least 100 Uniqlo stores in Asia, excluding Japan, in the current fiscal year.柳井正上周说,在截至2012年8月的当前财年中,迅销计划在日本以外的亚洲地区开设至少100间优衣库店铺。

7.Uniqlo owner Fast Retaipng also plans to make Engpsh the main language of communication, as well as increasing foreign employees.优衣库的快销经营者也计划将英语变成其主要交流语言,甚至通过增加他们的外籍员工来达到此目的。

8.Uniqlo's sole U. S. store is located in New York's Soho district. Fast Retaipng also sells the Theory apparel brand in the U. S.目前优衣库在美国唯一的门店坐落在纽约的Soho区。迅销公司同时还有销售美国服饰品牌Theory的产品。

9.A future bride, says Mr Yanai, could retain its own identity while selpng some of Uniqlo's clothes, and could cost as much as $10 bilpon.柳井说,一个“准新娘”卖优衣库衣服的同时还能保持自己的身份,这样的收购可高达100亿美元。

10.Toray has also struck a pioneering relationship with Uniqlo, the fashion brand, which the companies describe as "a virtual integration" .东丽还与服装品牌优衣库(Uniqlo)建立了开创性关系,两家公司称这一关系是一种“实质上的整合”。