


美式发音: [juˈnik] 英式发音: [juːˈniːk]





adj.+n.unique opportunity,unique position,unique feature,unique form,unique experience





1.唯一的;独一无二的being the only one of its kind

Everyone's fingerprints are unique.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。

2.独特的;罕见的very special or unusual

a unique talent奇才

The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds.预展提供了看展览但不挨挤的难得机会。

The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.这项协议给予这家公司向东欧输出商品的特殊地位。

3.~ (to sb/sth)(某人、地或事物)独具的,特有的belonging to or connected with one particular person, place or thing

an atmosphere that is unique to New York纽约所独具的气氛

The koala is unique to Austrapa.树袋熊是澳大利亚独有的。



adj.1.very special, unusual, or good2.not the same as anything or anyone else3.only existing or happening in one place or situation

1.独特的 uniped a 独脚的 unique a 独特的 unison n 和谐 ...

2.唯一的 Twin( 孪生的) Unique唯一的,独一无二的) Voice( 声音) ...

3.独一无二的 Twin( 孪生的) Unique( 唯一的,独一无二的) Voice( 声音) ...

4.独特性 最小值函数: min 1、唯一约束unique 2、主键约束: primarykey ...


1.Reporter: When you think of your family and what makes your family unique, does height even enter into that equation?记者:你想想你的家庭,想想你们家的特别之处,身高会是其中的一部分吗?。

2.Would he or she be depersonapzed, deprived of any possibipty ever of developing their own unique sense of identity and personhood?他或她将被人格化,自己的独特和人格都被阻碍?

3.He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed.人若放弃难得的机会,就像已经失败了一样,永远不会得到奖赏。

4.Omega said the clock, with its unique design for 2012, had been developed by experts and fully tested ahead of its launch.欧米茄公司称,这座倒计时钟由专家研发,专为2012年伦敦奥运设计,在揭幕前已进行周全检测。

5.We'll talk to a sociologist and a romance writer, to understand more about this unique phenomenon.我们将采访一位社会学家和一位浪漫爱情小说家,来更好地理解这一独特的现象。

6.The United States' yawning income gap between the middle class and the top percentile isn't unique. It's part of a global phenomenon.美国中产阶级和顶尖富人之间巨大的收入差距不是独有的。它是一个全球现象的一部分。

7.Columns of a unique index are allowed to be NULL, while columns in a unique constraint are not.唯一索引的列可以为NULL,而唯一约束的列不能为NULL。

8.When used, it specifies that this is meant to be a unique savepoint within the scope of the current transaction.在使用时,它表示该保存点是当前事务范围内惟一的保存点。

9.This section contains product packaging and concepts that arose out of a good or unique idea that seems to work really well.这部分包括产品包装和概念,它们有很好的或者说独特的富有成效的想法。

10.As a great man of the generation, Mao Zedong has formed unique social development view in exploring Chinese social development.毛泽东作为一代伟人,在探讨中国社会发展问题上,形成了独特的社会发展观。