


美式发音: [ʌnˈplʌɡd] 英式发音: [ʌn'plʌɡd]





1.不插电的(用原音乐器)performed or performing with acoustic rather than electric instruments

an Unplugged concert不插电音乐会

Bob Dylan Unplugged鲍勃 ) 迪伦不插电演出


adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing music played without electric instruments by a musician who usually plays an electric instrument

v.1.The past tense and past participle of unplug

1.不插电 ... Orchestra( 交响乐团): 适合播放古典音乐或歌剧.中 Unplugged( 原音重现): 适 合 播 放 器 乐,歌 唱 和 爵士 ...

6.天亮了 unperturbed 未扰动的 unplugged 非堵塞的,非封开的 unpolarized 未偏振的,未极 …

8.不插电演出花世纪-5/28 不插电演出(unplugged版)by 花世纪 官方频道 Whatcentury Official Channel 2,993 views 3:08 花世纪-想要认识你M…


1.Later on, I could only hear music with the headphone. There was no sound when I unplugged. There is still ring tone though.隔几天,只能插入耳机才能听音乐,外放放不出声音了(但来电铃声是有的)

2.My mom and her boss could not figure out how to get out of a video that was in full screen, so they unplugged their computer for the day.我妈和她的上司都不知道全屏观看视频的时候怎么退出,结果他们把电脑关了一整天。

3.I am not sure if it made any difference but I unplugged all my external peripherals (drives, USB devices and second monitor).我不能确定这样做会不会有什么不同,但我拔掉了所有的外围设备(驱动器、USB设备和第二台显示器)。

4.An invisible fence keeps Moe from wandering too far, although he did get out once and trample the flowers when the fence became unplugged.一道无形的“电子篱笆”保证莫伊不会跑得太远,不过它确实跑出去过,还践踏了花草,原因是“篱笆”的电源断开了。

5.When they unplugged and took the children to the park, 'we found ourselves constantly engaged with our kids and with each other, ' he says.他们离开科技产品,带孩子们去公园玩。罗伯说,我们发现这样能经常跟孩子们保持沟通和接触。

6.I once watched him spend ten minutes trying to make a copy on a copier in the Outer Hall which was unplugged and ready for Disposal.以前有一次,我曾经看见他在办公楼里花了10分钟,试图用一台没插电源的报废复印机复印文件。

7.By our bedside in the dark, the phone remained silent. I'd unplugged it many hours before.黑暗中,我们床边的电话保持沉默。早在几个小时以前,我就拔掉了电话线。

8.The original DNA pattern was left within the human cells, yet it was not functional; it was sppt apart, unplugged.最初DNA模式是留在人类细胞里,但并不实用,它是分离的、堵塞的。

9.His wife got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all the beer.他妻子站起来,拔掉电视机插座并扔掉所有啤酒。

10.In this photo, Nirvana's Kurt Cobain plays during one of the most famous and well received "MTV Unplugged" sessions ever recorded.在这张照片中,涅槃乐队的柯特科本在最著名和最受欢迎的“不插电”节目中演奏。