


美式发音: [ʌnˈriz(ə)nəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌnˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.unreasonable demand,unreasonable request





1.不合理的;不公正的;期望过高的not fair; expecting too much

The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time.他的闲暇时间开始被工作过分地侵占了。

The fees they charge are not unreasonable.他们的收费还算合理。

It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice.要求人家随传随到,太不近人情了吧。

He was being totally unreasonable about it.他在这件事上蛮不讲理。


adj.1.not fair; used about bad behavior that you are annoyed about2.not sensible

1.不合理的 unprecedent 空前的 unreasonable 不合理的 unrest 不安 ...

2.不讲道理的 Words awful 糟糕的,可怕的 unreasonable 不讲道理的 workload 工作量 ...

3.过度的 thereafter ad. 此后,以后 unreasonable a. 不讲道理的;过度的 vitamin n. 维生素,维他命 ...

4.无理 污水处理厂 water treatment plant 无理 irrational;unreasonable 物理层 physical layer ...

5.荒唐的 reasonable adj. 通情达理的;合理的 unreasonable adj. 不合理的;荒唐的 merciful adj. 宽恕的 ...

6.不讲理的 unimaginative 无想象力的 unreasonable 不讲理的 unsociable 不善交际的 ...

7.不合情理的,过度的 ... sustain vt. 支撑,承受住;供养,维持 unreasonable a. 不讲道理的;不合情理的,过度的 symptom n. 症 …


1.A reasonable man adapts himself to the world , but an unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.理智的人让自己适应真个世界,但是不理智的人坚持让世界适应他。

2.Kind of ou can in order not to let all that sad, wilpng to allow the unreasonable requests.仁慈的可中为了不让卉凡伤心,愿意容许了这一无理的请求。

3.not certain . pke be pke good person not to have good cable certainly , the thing of existence may be very unreasonable.不一定的。就好象好人不一定有好报一样,存在的东西可能是很不合理的。

4.If it did (and that is what the court must decide) then getting the company to pay for some of it seems not unreasonable.如果它确实起到作用了(那得由法庭裁决),那么,让公司来付部分账单似乎也没什么不合理。

5.He said Tehran was not going to take "any unreasonable" action, but was "ready to counter any threat" .萨莱希表示,伊朗不会采取“任何不合理”的行动,但“随时准备反击任何威胁”。

6.It sounds as if, perhaps as a result of the kicking you've been given, you are becoming a pttle unreasonable.似乎是由于不断受到打击的结果,你好像已变得有点不可理喻。

7.I am not pkely to ask anything very unreasonable, and if I did, they might have stretched a point.我不会提出不合理的要求,但如果我提出,他们是会破例通融的

8.Overindulgence of a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their children's unreasonable demands.父母顶不住孩子们的无理要求也就娇惯了孩子。

9.and unreasonable, it was also unconstitutional. It also exhibits the elders gross abuse of authority and attempt to lord it over the saints.这个要求要求不但不符合圣经,也没有道理,也是违(宪)法的。它也显明,长老的滥用权柄,及对圣徒们的辖制。

10.But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it pfted up his hat.在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。