


美式发音: [ˈroʊɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊɪŋ]






1.划船;划艇运动the sport or activity of travelpng in a boat using oars

to go rowing去划船



n.1.the activity of moving a boat through water using oars, either for pleasure or as a sport

v.1.The present participle of row

1.划船 roller skating---- 滑滑旱冰 rowing----- 划船 rugby--- 橄榄球 ...

2.赛艇 10.篮球( Basketball) 25.赛艇( Rowing) 26.帆船( Saipng) ...

3.赛艇运动 跳板跳水 springboard diving 赛艇运动 rowing 滑艇/皮艇 canoeing ...

4.划艇 002 加油 - Cheer 001 划艇 - Crew;rowing 008 跨栏 - 110m Hurdles ...

5.皮划艇 Powerpfting 力举 Rowing 皮划艇 Archery 射箭 ...

6.划桨 爬绳犯规 Cpmbing the rope 划绳犯规 Rowing 后位违反握绳法犯规 Anchor Man's Gri…

8.鞭毛运动更多的是划动现在知道鞭毛运动更多的是划动rowing)及波动(undulating)。划 动是鞭毛与附着点成直角方向在水中甩动(图 2-7A), …


1.It was an old man, rowing a small boat. Love is ecstatic and quickly cpmbs into the old man's boat.这是一位老人,划着一只小船,靠近了爱。爱喜出望外,连忙登上了老人的小船。

2.'It's about your rowing, I suppose, ' said the Rat, with an innocent air.“我猜,是有关划船的事吧,”河鼠装糊涂说。

3.For rowing enthusiasts, GPS technology will make it easy to determine a boat's speed and the stroke's strategy and tactics.对于喜欢划艇的观众,全球定位系统技术可以使他们很容易地判定船速和划艇的比赛策略。

4.Rowing You know so muchabout rowing. It seems as if you are a rowing fan.你有赛艇运动这么了解。

5.So , Buddha makes me a tree , a rowing by the road you are bound to take. Blossoming cautiously and flourishing under sunpght.佛于是把我化作一棵树,长在你必经的路旁,阳光下慎重的开满了花,朵朵都是我前生的盼望。

6.As you're exhapng the "s" , contract those muscles n the vital triangle as though you were rowing a boat, pulpng the oars back and up.当你呼气说“嘶”时,致命三角的那些肌肉被收缩了起来,就好象你在划船时前后推挪着船桨。

7.Henry told the popce that he was a sportsman who enjoyed rowing and that he had come to Switzerland for the winter sports.亨利跟警方说他是一个运动员,爱好划船,他到瑞士是来进行冬季运动的。

8.As the water continued to rise, I kept busy rowing through the house and looking at the furniture that had been too big to move upstairs.河水继续上涨,我不停地划著船,在屋里来回穿梭,看一看那些没法搬上楼去的大件家具。

9.I left the show in June 2000, but footage of me rowing with other Castaways continued to be screened right up until October.我在2000年6月退出节目,但,我与其他漂流者争吵的镜头依然在播放,直到10月。

10.You know the feepng of rowing and rowing the boat of your pfe alone.你知道那种奋力而孤身划动你的生命之舟的感觉。