




1.单位 项目 ITEM 单位 UNTI 加热槽容量 TANK CAPACITY ...

2.单元 ... direction 方向 unti 单元 most 最 ...

3.十一烷三异氰酸酯 ... jd_unitcode 监督单位编号 jd_unti 监督单位 jd_code 监督登记号 ...

5.循环条件 ... [Wihle 循环条件] [Unti 循环条件] [Step 步长] ...


1.If you put it off unti the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much catching up to do for you really to learn.如果您把它关闭unti到本周末,或者直到前1个测试,你将有太多赶上为您做真正的学习。

2.We decided to hang onto the house unti prices were higher.我们决定把房屋保留到价格上涨后再出售。

3.4 the reducer has a forced lubrication unti, which is featured by high transmission efficiency, long service pfe and low noise.减速机配有强制润滑装置,具有传动效率高,使用寿命长,噪音小等优点。

4.where they will be stored unti time to assemble them to the 786 frame.那儿它们将存放去组装它们在786的机架上。

5.Unti 1 Would you pke to go see a movie tonight?你今晚要不要去看场电影?

6.The Independence of ECB Reflected from the Suffering Experiences of unti-inflation in Germany从德国反通货膨胀的经历中看欧洲中央银行的独立性

7.Law Consideration of Settlement of Unti-dumping in Chinese Enterprises我国出口企业应对反倾销的法学思考