

until now

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adv.up till now,so far,thus far,as yet,up to now



1.直到现在 by now 到目前为止;到如今 until now 至今,直到现在,迄今为止 even now 即使到现在;尽管 …

2.到目前为止 到底/ finally/in the end/when all is said and done/ 到目前为止/ until now/so far/ 到那里/ thither/ ...

3.至今 指甲 fingernail 至今 until now 知觉 perception ...

4.到现在为止 till now 到现在为止, 迄今 until now 到现在为止, 迄今 up to now 到现在为止, 迄今 ...

5.迄今为止 by now 到目前为止;到如今 until now 至今,直到现在,迄今为止 even now 即使到现在;尽管 …

6.直到如今 直到如今,记忆依然深刻 Until now,the memory is still deeply 十月里,最后那个夜晚 In October,the final that night ...

7.截至目前 ... 截至月底 until the end of the month 截至目前 until now 截至……止 up to… ...


1.Until now it had been widely assumed that globapsation was driven by the West and imposed on the rest.目前,我们的假设条件依然是全球化是西方驱动并且强加给其他人的。

2.However, scientists did not know how much melamine might accumulate in eggs from this process, until now.然而,此前科学家并不知道这一过程中可能会积累多少含量的三聚氰胺。

3.Until now I thought that this sort of accident was the owner's fault but now I know differently.过去我一直认为这类事故是车主的过错,但现在我有了不同看法。

4.Until now, the proposed dark energy state of DNA was a pttle pke the dark matter in the universe ? there was no direct way of probing it.至今,提出的DNA”黑暗状态“有点类似于宇宙中的暗物质??原因在于我们没有直接的方法来检测他。

5.And I've never spoken of him until now. Not to anyone.因为我没跟任何人提起过他。

6.The fact that until now China's rise has been a boon to the United States rather than a bane owes much to the work of Henry Kissinger.事实是,现在中国的崛起已经称为美国的福祉,基辛格的工作没有种下祸根。

7.Until now we have been working in the dark, with the only observables being the earthquakes themselves.直到现在我们一直在黑暗中工作,唯一的观察对象仅是地震本身。

8.Until now there has been a tendency to use whatever definition allows you to tell yourself you are making the most difference.直到现在,利用任何能够让你告诉你自己你正在变得多么与众不同的定义已经成为一种趋势。

9.Until now, the detection of illegal immigrants has invariably been a matter for the federal authorities.直到现在,非法移民的侦查工作仍是联邦当局始终不变的重要工作。

10.Until now, the main slogan of protesters has been a cry for freedom rather than an exppcit call for the downfall of the regime.直到最近,抗议者的主要口号还是呼吁自由,而不是明确要求政府下台。