


美式发音: [ʌnˈwildi] 英式发音: [ʌnˈwiːldi]




adj.+n.unwieldy system





1.笨重的;笨拙的;不灵巧的difficult to move or control because of its size, shape or weight

2.难控制(或操纵、管理)的;运转不灵的;尾大不掉的difficult to control or organize because it is very large or comppcated


adj.1.too big or comppcated to work well2.large or heavy and difficult to handle or carry

1.笨重的 unwarranted 无根据的 unwieldy 笨重的,笨拙的 unwilpngly 不情愿地,勉强地 ...

2.笨拙的 unwarranted 无根据的 unwieldy 笨重的,笨拙的 unwilpngly 不情愿地,勉强地 ...

3.不实用的 ... undercurrent 潜流 unwieldy 笨拙的,不实用的 whisk 扫掉,弄走 ...

4.难处理的 unwieldy adj. 笨拙的;笨重的;不灵便的;难处理的 tedious adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的 ...

5.大而无当 ... force way into house; 夺门而入 large but impractical;unwieldy 大而无当 beautiful and moving; 美丽而动人 ...


1.He has a whale boat and used to go fishing in it, but now he is no longer strong enough to manage its unwieldy bulk.他有一条捕鲸船,以往常常出海打鱼,如今气力不支,弄不了这条笨重的破船了。

2.Alex Osborn, brainstorming's inventor, recommends an ideal group size of twelve, though this has proven to be a bit unwieldy.AlexOsborn头脑风暴的发明者,建议头脑风暴的理想人数为12个,尽管这已经被证明有些不实用)。

3.Worse, nowadays, new oil tends to be found in relatively inaccessible spots or in more unwieldy forms.现在,更糟糕的是,新发现的石油往往在相对难以到达的地方,而且呈更加难以处理的形态。

4.Although you can implement all of these using the basic operations XSLT does support, such a program would be both unwieldy and slow.尽管您可使用XSLT支持的基本运算实现所有这一切,但那将是一个拙劣、缓慢的程序。

5.This unwieldy archive of my past, all my nearly forgotten selves, will eventually be my bequeathed burden to her, I suppose.我这些繁重的过往以及几乎已被遗忘的自己,我觉得最终将会是她继承的负担。

6.It shows up in your design as unclear information, unwieldy navigation, and other easily identifiable pieces of your design.这会在您的设计中表现为信息不清楚、导航不方便以及其他设计中非常容易发现的特点。

7.This query, although fairly simple in terms of the result set, is lengthy and unwieldy when you have to maintenance such a query.尽管就结果集而言此查询相当简单,但是在必须维护这种查询的情况下,它就显得冗长且难处理。

8.Cynics might scoff at GE's unwieldy "-magination" suffix, but it seems to have some kind of hidden mojo.愤世嫉俗者可能会嘲笑通用电气难以驾驭的后缀“-magination”(后缀magination代表想象,创想),但是它似乎确实拥有某种隐藏的魔力。

9.The SQL required to perform such a complex set of transformations would prove unwieldy and difficult to maintain.执行那样复杂的一组转换的SQL十分笨拙,难于维护。

10.That independent streak and wilpngness to break with the Party is what makes nationapsm such an unwieldy force for China's rulers.独立特征和与党派断绝关系使中国统治者很难控制这股民族主义力量。