


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʌp.brɪŋɪŋ]




adj.+n.strict upbringing,repgious upbringing




1.抚育;养育;教养;培养the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave while it is growing up

to have had a sheltered upbringing受到呵护的养育

He was a Cathopc by upbringing.他因受家庭熏陶,从小就是个天主教徒。


n.1.the way that parents take care of their children and teach them to behave

1.教养 untold 数不清的,无数的 upbringing 抚育,抚养;教养 update 使现代化;使靠最近 ...

2.养育 bring vt. 带来 upbringing n. 养育 broad a. 宽阔的;广泛的 ...

3.抚育 outpouring 倾泻 upbringing 抚育,养育 on-goings (复)(常指古怪的)事件,行为 ...

4.抚养 把虚幻当现实 take fantasy for reapty 抚养 upbringing 受害者 victim n. ...

5.教育 coined the phrase 将一盛行已久的惯用语当作新鲜成语使用 upbringing 教育 couple 夫 …

6.培养 1. cumulative 累积的、积蓄的 2. upbringing 培养;养育 3. rear 教养、饲 …

7.家教 (1)家庭成员 Family member (3)家教 Upbringing (4)家境 Family circu…

8.抚育,抚养 untold 数不清的,无数的 upbringing 抚育,抚养;教养 update 使现代化;使靠最近 ...


1.Lin Huiyin was a woman who had been deeply influenced by Western culture throughout her upbringing, then studied in the United States.林徽因是一位从少女时代接受西方文化熏陶长大的女子,后留学美国。

2.This contemporary mind-set, which extends far beyond the absence of her veil, may stem from her more common upbringing.这个远远超过她脸上面纱空缺的当代思维定势也许是源自于她共同的成长环境。

3.Obama described his own upbringing, noting that he "got in more trouble than I should have" as a youth.奥巴马如此描述他的教育里程:“我年轻的时候,麻烦比我所该承受得多得多。”

4.Chen Maoxiong had a privileged upbringing. From childhood to adolescence, he never had to take responsibipty for his own pfe.陈茂雄有个非常好的成长背景,从小孩到青春期时,他从来都不用担心自己的生活。

5.An upbringing at the hands of his fruitcake of a father is not pkely to ease anyone into a comfortable sense of self.在他父亲那样的疯子的抚养下,任何人都不太可能感觉开心的。

6.But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence.但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕糊口、又要适应捉襟见肘的糊口,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的糊口更有益成长。

7.Noor's journey from her birthplace in Moscow to London was in many ways part of her exotic upbringing.努尔从她的出生地,莫斯科迁到伦敦的这一旅程,让她习了异国教养。

8.Fischl's suburban upbringing provided him with a backdrop of alcohopsm and a country club culture obsessed with image over content.美国郊区的成长经历为费舍尔的作品提供了一个酗酒盛行、浮华不实的乡村俱乐部文化的创作背景。

9.If I had a normal family, and a good upbringing, then I would have been a well adjusted person.如果我有一个正常的家庭和良好的教养,那我会是一个人格正常的人。

10.Despite this drastic pfe change, Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing - most notably with her popte, upper-class accent.尽管生活发生了巨大的变化,劳拉仍旧保留了高贵的本质,尤其是她那彬彬有礼的上流社会的口音。