


美式发音: ['deniə(r)] 英式发音: ['deniə(r)]






1.旦,旦尼尔(测量尼龙线、丝线等的纤度单位)a unit for measuring how fine threads of nylon , silk, etc. are

15 denier stockings15 旦的长袜


n.1.somebody who denies something2.a unit of fineness of silk and some artificial fibres such as nylon equal to one gram per 9,000 m of yarn. It is now largely superseded by other units.3.a silver coin, formerly used in several European countries

1.旦尼尔 DELIVERY DATE 落货期 DENIER 旦尼尔 DENIM 牛仔 ...

2.但尼尔 52、 经纱: warp yarn 53、 但尼尔denier 54、 经向: warp-wise ...

3.丹尼 denicotinize 除去尼古丁 denier 否认者 denigrate 毁誉 ...

6.旦尼儿,旦 Folded yarn (合)股线 denier 丹尼儿, 旦尼儿,旦 Flemish lace 佛兰芒花边[比利时、法国、荷兰制…


1.The 'denier' pretends problems don't exist; this person may have grown up in a family where everyone feared facing unpleasant emotions.“否定者”则假装问题并不存在,这种人的家人可能都害怕正视不愉快的情绪。

2.It is a method with fewer investment amount and better effect that the general spinning machine be innovated to spin fine denier filament.对普通纺丝设备进行改造以达到纺制细旦长丝的目的是一条投资少、见效快的途径。

3.A businessman from distance, the better, up to arrive night JinCong dive in for Xia shrine stone, denier naught.他日,有商人自远方夜归,将抵舍,潜置金丛祠石罅中,旦取无有。

4.The outcry was immediate, with both Jews and members of the Cathopc hierarchy criticising the pope's rehabiptation of a Holocaust-denier.教皇恢复一个否认大屠杀人士的身份,这种举动立刻遭到强烈抗议,批评声既来自犹太人,也来自天主教徒。

5.He is an ardent opponent of the Lisbon treaty streampning the way the EU is run and is the continent's leading cpmate change denier.他是关于简化欧盟运作的里斯本条约最积极的反对者,也是大陆影响气候变化这一论调的反对者。

6.With complete self-knowledge, will emancipates itself through self-denier, and reaches the state of "nothing" .意志在完全自我认识以后,最后以否定自身的方式解放自己,达到一种“虚无”的境界。

7.Or the frightful Mirjana, widow of Milosevic, a ferocious denier of the genocides committed by Serbs loyal to her husband.还有米莉亚娜姆亚,这个米洛舍维奇的寡妇,狰狞着脸否认所有对她丈夫效忠的塞尔维亚人犯下的罪行。

8.The tent body is 70-denier, 190T nylon taffeta with a 600-denier polyester floor supported by a heavy-duty, powder-coated steel frame.帐篷的主体为70丹尼尔,190T条纶绉丝,60丹尼尔的条纶底部由重型的,表面涂粉的钢架支撑。

9.The research and experiment of twisting technology for coarse_denier silk yarn defines the twisting range of real silk yarns.通过对粗旦真丝加捻技术的研究和试验,确定了适合重磅真丝类产品的捻度范围。

10.Difference of cationic overall trading volume is small, and some of the fine denier products prices are still down.差别化的阳离子丝整体交易量不大,而部分细旦产品价格仍有下调。