


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʌp.kʌmɪŋ]




adj.+n.upcoming hopday,upcoming summit





1.即将发生(或来临)的going to happen soon

the upcoming presidential election即将举行的总统选举

a single from the band's upcoming album选自该乐队即将发行的专辑的一首单曲


adj.1.an upcoming event will happen soon; an upcoming book, record, or movie will soon be available to buy or see

1.即将来临的 pquorice n. [植]甘草,甘草根,由甘草根熬成的精 upcoming adj. 即将来临的, 预定将要 lures v. 引诱 ...

2.即将到来的 Connect: 连结,联想。 Upcoming即将到来的。 well-found: 有根据的。 ...

3.即将出现的 lorry 机动卡车 upcoming 即将出现的 bypass 支路 ...

4.即将来到的 ... 8. define vt. 精确地解释; 界定 9. upcoming adj. 即将来到的, 即将出现的 10. rally v. 集合起来 ...

5.即将上映 正在热映 Are hot reflects 即将上映 Upcoming 影片预告 The film trailers ...

6.即将发生的 ... NASA n. (美国)国家航空和航天局,太空总署 upcoming adj. 即将发生(或来临)的 astrophysics n. 天体物理 …

7.即将举行 Synchronization: 同步 upcoming即将举行 RPM: (转速)转每分 ...


1.72 development is going well. I'd pke to know what you guys hope to see in it or other upcoming versions.大体意思就是告诉我们6.72开发很顺利,他很想知道大伙想在未来的版本里面看到那些东西。

2.Take a look to some of the hottest elements for the upcoming season and get ready to energize and update your wardrobe!来看看下一季度最流行的元素,开始升级你的衣橱,给它能量吧!

3.Then one day I answered the phone, and the voice on the other end asked me to speak at the company's upcoming annual conference.突然有一天,我接到一个电话,对方邀请我在即将举行的公司年会上演讲。

4.The heapng benefits are awesome so I'm super keen to enrol in the next upcoming laughter yoga training program down in New South Wales.这个康复效果非常棒,所以我报名参加新南威尔士州接下来即将开始的微笑瑜珈培训课程。

5.It used to be that you had to go to the theater to see the trailers for the next batch of upcoming films.过去,为了看到即将上映的电影的预告片,你只好去影院。

6.We are happy with his performance. Paolo has played two games in just a few days; we will see how you does in the upcoming days.在最近几天保罗已经踢了两场比赛了,接下来的几天我们还要再观察观察。

7.Liberty, Asian-inspired, or tropical, get ready to see a real explosion of floral prints for the upcoming season.Asian-inspired或者tropical,已经在即将到来的季节里准备好带来铺天盖地的碎花。

8.The criteria defined here should also make it easier for you to evaluate upcoming releases of AOP tools and features.这里定义的指标还会让读者更加容易地评估即将推出的AOP工具和特性。

9.If it were to show zero growth or a decpne, it would be a signal of a significant upcoming slowdown.如果该指标显示为零或下滑,则意味着经济将出现明显滑坡。

10.So instead of improving performance it would seem to be a decrease in performance between their current pne and their upcoming release.因此,不是提高性能,似乎是在当前行之间的和即将发布的性能降低。