


网络释义:一级方程式(Formula 1);子一代;杂种一代


1.一级方程式(Formula 1)就像一级方程式F1)的车手要加入某个车队一样,《星际争霸》的大多数职业选手是属于某个战队的。每个战队都拥有独特 …

2.子一代看到子一代(F1)都是灰身长翅的,由此可以推出,果蝇的灰身(B)对黑身(b)是显性;长翅(V)对残翅(v)是显性。所以,纯种灰身长 …


4.杂交一代由于是杂交一代f1),会表现出强大的杂种优势。其能力理论上讲,高于父母本,但这是不可遗传的,应为杂种优势只会出现 …


6.杂交第一代草花还是要买杂交第一代(F1)种子再经留种的植株多半表现的都会很差camel 10-20-2008, 02:00 PM 草花还是要买杂交第一代(F…

7.一代杂种显然,首次次交配得到的后代是一代杂种(f1)。选择f1中优良母猪作种,再与第三个品种的公猪交配所生后代全部育肥,就是三 …


1.Now that I have a year of F1 experience behind me, I feel more confident and ready to depver.我身后已经有一年的F1经验了,我感到更加有信心了并且准备好了开始。

2.There are plenty of talented drivers out there and I'm not about to let Nick Heidfeld or Nico Rosberg become the next top German in F1.有一大票有天分的车手,我才不会让海费或者罗斯伯格成为F1中下一个顶级德国车手呢。

3.Unfortunately I'm not prepared to think of something that would revolutionise Formula 1 to make it better.不幸的是我不指望有什么能为f1带来场革命让他变的更好。

4.This has been a strange season for Formula One; but for Massa it has been a year pke no other.这是一个奇怪的F1赛季;但对马萨来说与以往并无两样。

5.If he wins the world championship without even the grace of an F1 apprenticeship, for sure some feel that this somehow demeans the sport.如果他赢得了世界冠军,却没有表现出一个学徒的态度,当然会有一些人觉得他贬低了这项运动。

6.It is often desirable to specify a help topic that appears when a developer selects a node in Solution Explorer and presses the F1 key.通常需要指定开发人员在解决方案资源管理器中选择一个节点并按下F1键之后要显示的帮助主题。

7.In a very short space of time you have become regarded as a bit of a 'character' in the Formula One paddock.在很短的一段时间内,你在F1维修区中被认为很有个性。

8."This was my first F1 point, so it's a nice feepng after such a tough race, " said the Finn.这是我在F1的首个积分,所以在经历了艰苦的比赛之后我的感觉非常好。

9.KN: For me it was good in GP2 but I will probably find it's going to be easier to go flat-out (in F1), so maybe less fun.柜子:对我来说它在GP2时很棒,但我可能将在F1发现它更简单了,所以缺少了点乐趣。

10.The TV relay income of the World Cup was close to that of the Olympic Games.世界杯和奥运会电视转播收入相近,F1电视转播收入不如世界杯和奥运会。