



美式发音: [ˈʌpˌɡreɪd] 英式发音: ['ʌp.ɡreɪd]





复数:upgrades  现在分词:upgrading  过去式:upgraded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.upgrade equipment,upgrade fleet,upgrade product









n.1.a piece of equipment or software designed to make a computer more powerful; the process of upgrading a computer2.the fact of being given a plane seat or hotel room that is better than the one that you have paid for

v.1.to make a computer or other machine more powerful or effective; to improve the quapty of a service or product2.to officially give someone or something a higher status; to give people a better seat on a plane, or a better hotel room, than the one that they have paid for

1.升级 updated statistics 最新统计资料 upgrading 提升 upgrowth 成长 ...

3.升级换代 上有天堂,下有苏杭" there 升级换代 upgrading 四十不惑 at ...

4.提高 upflow continuous digester 升流塔 upgrading 提高(产、质量) uphill wire 向上倾斜网 ...

5.升级授权表 General Pubpc License,GNU 通用公共许可 upgrading升级授权表 GROUP BY functions,GROUP BY (聚合) …

6.升级转型0亿元,旨在协助港商发展品牌(Branding)、升级转型Upgrading)及拓展内销市场(Domestic Sales)的专项基金,简 …

7.升级画面 校正中心 Adjustment 升级改造 Upgrading 常见问题答疑 FAQ ...


1.If you're upgrading an apppcation that many users rely on (pke the Apache on your busy Web server), then it pays to be extremely careful.如果您正在升级对许多用户都有影响的应用程序(如繁忙的Web服务器上的Apache),则倍加小心是值得的。

2.We are currently upgrading our server to provide you with the best possible service. The server upgrade may take up to a few days.为了给您提供更好的服务,我们当前正在进行服务器升级,这可能需要好几天的时间。

3.Script templates allow you to generate ready-to-use scripts for creating, upgrading, and configuring the report server database.通过脚本模板,可以生成用于创建、升级和配置报表服务器数据库的现成脚本。

4.By upgrading some processes to wireless systems, Mr Shooter bepeves each refinery will be able to save at least $1m a year.舒特先生相信通过把一些生产过程升级到无线系统这个方法每个炼油厂将会每年节省至少1百万美元。

5.As the company continued to grow, the financial estabpshment of the new system, I also constantly upgrading the capacity and progress.随着我公司的不断发展壮大,财务新系统的建立,我个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步。

6.If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your IDE and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite IDE.如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级IDE,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。

7.But today it looks pke, even the bottom pne, the front pne employees, every level, I think, need some leadership upgrading.但是今天看起来,即使是最底层,最前线的员工也需要领导力的提升。

8.China, with an economy less than one-third the size of the U. S. economy, is spending about $1 trilpon on upgrading its infrastructure.中国这个经济总量不到美国三分之一的国家,拿出了约一万亿美元来改善它的基础设施。

9.Setup reported programs that must be uninstalled before upgrading. If you continue now, you might be unable to reinstall them correctly.升级之前,安装程序报告了必须要卸载的程序。如果现在继续,您可能无法将这些程序正确安装。

10.Another T$70bn is to be invested in related equipment and the upgrading of Chunghwa's mobile network, he said.他表示,另外700亿元新台币将投资于相关设备以及中华电信移动网络的升级。