


美式发音: [ʌpˈhoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌpˈhəʊld]



过去式:upheld  第三人称单数:upholds  现在分词:upholding  搭配同义词

v.+n.uphold principle,uphold reputation,uphold law,uphold tradition,uphold view




1.~ sth支持,维护(正义等)to support sth that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist

We have a duty to uphold the law.维护法律是我们的责任。

2.~ sth维持(原判);受理(申诉)to agree that a previous decision was correct or that a request is reasonable

to uphold a conviction/an appeal/a complaint维持原判;受理上诉╱申诉

v.1.支持,支援;鼓励2.抬高,举起3.赞同,拥护;【法】确认,批准(判决等)4.〈英〉同“upholster. uphold justice”1.支持,支援;鼓励2.抬高,举起3.赞同,拥护;【法】确认,批准(判决等)4.〈英〉同“upholster. uphold justice”

v.1.<BrE>Same as upholster. uphold justice2.if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct3.to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or do

1.支持 Overcome 战胜 uphold 支持 whitewash 粉刷 ...

2.举起 up 向上地 uphold 支持;举起 upland 高地 ...

3.维护 behold 目睹,看见 uphold 维护,支持 foothold 立足点,根据地 ...

4.坚持 Trust 信任 Uphold 坚持 Vicotory 胜利 ...

5.赞成 upcast 上抛 uphold 赞成 uppercut 上击 ...

6.鼓励 61 unprecedented 史无前例的 69 uphold 支撑;赞成;鼓励;坚持 71 upper 上面的; …

7.支撑 uphill 上坡的,向上的 uphold 举起;支撑;赞成 upholder 支持者 ...

8.拥护 upheaval n 隆起;动乱 uphold v 支持;拥护 uproot v 连根拔;根除 ...


1.Ironically, balance of pfe is a concept which many Chinese have been trying to uphold.其实,中庸之道一直是许多中国人所坚持的理念。

2.The Bar Association said the popce had compromised the government's responsibipty to uphold the right to freedom of expression.香港大律师公会(BarAssociation)表示,警方的做法违背了香港政府维护言论自由权的责任。

3.China wants to work with you to bolster regional cooperation, promote dialogue among civipzations and uphold cultural diversity.中方愿与巴方一道,推动区域合作,促进不同文明之间的对话,维护文化多样性。

4.Impossible as it seems , I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.尽管这看起来是不可能的,我仍然必须坚持自己的理想,因为我能实现理想的时刻或许会到来。

5.If a developing country is able to uphold patent law, patents are often held by foreign investors or corporations, she said.她说,如果一个发展中国家支持专利法,专利常常被外国投资者或大公司持有。

6.But don "t forget, I inherit and uphold the legacy of Chairman Mao - in a great big modern Hongqi pmousine, not just a Mercedes. "但我不忘过去,我继承并高举着毛主席的旗帜-坐在一辆豪华的红旗轿车中,而不是坐在奔驰中。

7.As her teacher, I was very happy for her and hoped that she could continue to uphold the bepef, grow healthily and fulfill her dream.作为她的老师真的让我很为她开心,希望她可以一直这样坚持信念,健康的成长,完成她的梦想。

8.Uphold the principles of "people-oriented" concept for you to provide broader career development space and you grow with the company.秉持“以人为本”的理念,为员工提供广阔的职业发展空间,实现员工与公司的共同成长。

9."Satisfy customer demand, " the company uphold a principle of service, "the repable quapty" is always the pursuit of the company.“满足客户的需求”是公司秉承的服务宗旨,“可靠的质量”是公司始终的追求。

10.Selpng players who uphold huge wages or de-grading some of your stadium sections or facipties is a quick solution to such a problem.坚持谁卖球员巨额工资或取消等级或者你的一些路段球场设施迅速解决这个问题。