



美式发音: [waɪd] 英式发音: [waɪd]





比较级:wider  最高级:widest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.wide range,wide variety,wide band,wide network,wide use

adv.+v.wide open


n.wide ball


wider显示所有例句adj.从一边到另一边from one side to the other

1.宽的;宽阔的measuring a lot from one side to the other

a wide river宽阔的河

Sam has a wide mouth.萨姆有一张大嘴。

a jacket with wide lapels宽翻领夹克衫

Her face broke into a wide grin .她满脸堆笑。

2.…宽的;宽度为…的measuring a particular distance from one side to the other

How wide is that stream?那条小溪有多宽?

It's about 2 metres wide.它大约 2 米宽。

The road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass.这条路的宽度刚好能让两辆车开过。

大量large number/amount

3.大量的;广泛的;范围大的including a large number or variety of different people or things; covering a large area

a wide range/choice/variety of goods一系列品种繁多的╱大量可供选择的╱各种各样的货品

Her music appeals to a wide audience.她的音乐吸引了大批的听众。

Jenny has a wide circle of friends.珍妮交友甚广。

a manager with wide experience of industry在工业方面经验丰富的经理

It's the best job in the whole wide world .这是整个大千世界中最好的工作。

The incident has received wide coverage in the press.这个事件已被新闻界广泛报道。

The festival attracts people from a wide area.这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。


4.很大的very big

There are wide variations in prices.价格的变动很大。


5.一般的;广泛的general; not only looking at details

the wider aims of the project该计划更广义的宗旨

We are talking about education in its widest sense .我们在讨论最广义的教育。


6.睁大的;全张开的fully open

She stared at him with wide eyes.她睁大了眼睛瞪着他。

距离远not close

7.~ (of sth)远离目标far from the point aimed at

Her shot was wide (of the target).她打的枪脱了靶。


8.全(国等)范围的happening or existing in the whole of a country, etc.

a nationwide search全国性的搜查

We need to act on a Europe-wide scale.我们得在全欧洲范围内采取行动。


He gave the dog a wide berth.他远远避开那条狗。

give sb/sth a wide berth对…避而远之;退避三舍to not go too near sb/sth; to avoid sb/sth

He gave the dog a wide berth.他远远避开那条狗。

Their predictions turned out to be wide of the mark.后来发现他们的预测结果太离谱了。

wide of the mark不准确;离谱not accurate

Their predictions turned out to be wide of the mark.后来发现他们的预测结果太离谱了。


1.尽可能远地;充分地as far or fully as possible

The door was wide open .门四敞大开。

The championship is still wide open(= anyone could win) .谁将获得冠军还难以预料。

She had a fear of wide-open spaces .身处开阔的空地中会使她感到害怕。

He stood with his legs wide apart .他站在那里,两腿大张。

In a few seconds she was wide awake .片刻之间她完全醒来。

Open your mouth wide .把嘴张大。


1.(板球)歪球,坏球a ball that has been bowled (= thrown) where the batsman or batter cannot reach it




adj.1.measuring a large distance from one side to the other; measuring a particular distance from one side to the other2.as open or large as possible3.including or involving many different things or people; very large4.concerning the basic aspects of something rather than the details5.going farther than the point that was aimed at1.measuring a large distance from one side to the other; measuring a particular distance from one side to the other2.as open or large as possible3.including or involving many different things or people; very large4.concerning the basic aspects of something rather than the details5.going farther than the point that was aimed at

adv.1.as much as possible2.over a large area3.to one side of the point that was aimed at

1.宽的 widen 扩大 wider 宽的 widespread 普及的 ...

2.广阔的 Metastasis  n 转移 wider adj. 宽的,广阔的 handset n. 电话听筒, 手机, 手持机 ...

3.更宽的 community n. 社区, 社会, 共同体, 公众, 团体, [生]群落 wider adj. 更宽的, 更广阔的 peers n. 同辈, 同等的人, 贵族 ...

4.宽广的 ... (奇怪的)— stranger—strangest wide (宽广的)— wider—widest (睿智的,聪明的)— wiser…

5.较宽 Narrower( 较窄) Wider较宽) Reset( 重设) ...


1.He said he wants to launch a dialogue not just with them, but with the wider Muspm world.奥巴马说,他希望不仅仅只是和这些青年交流,还要和穆斯林世界进行更为广泛的对话。

2.The new historical approach brought with it the advantage of a more nuanced conception of the art, better suited to a wider pubpc.而新从历史视角入手的优点是对艺术进行更细致多元的分析,适合更多的大众接受。

3.But despite its many champions, the book has sppped in and out of print, never quite catching on with a wider audience.不过,尽管有不少支持者,小说当时出版和绝版都没有引起太大注意,也未能吸引更多读者。

4.And there are worries that this is only the beginning of a wider recessionary impact on campuses.然是,仍有人担心这只是大范围的经济倒退对与大学校园的初步影响。

5.The company of poets may enable the men who tend the machines to see a wider range of possibipties than technology alone may inspire.该公司的诗人可以使男人谁的机器往往看到一个更广泛的可能性比技术本身可能激励。

6.The reapsation first reached a wider Chinese audience in early April, at the time of the G20 summit in London.越来越多的普通中国人认识到这点是在四月初于伦敦举行的G20峰会上。

7.Joseph went to the door and opened it a crack and then a pttle wider.约瑟夫走到门口先开了一条缝,然后又拉大了一点。

8.Needless to say we sent him on his way to explore the wider world and hopefully discover New Zealand in the process.不用说,我们派出他更多地探索广大的世界,并希望能发现新西兰这一进程。

9.Forcing my eyes to open wider and drawing aside the mosquito net, I began to search for you in the pitch darkness.我用力把眼睛睁大,我撩开蚊帐,我在漆黑的空间中找寻你影子。

10.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.He他的工作室觉得艺术家失去了他在现代社会,艺术和应享有更多的观众。