



美式发音: [ˈmæɡnəˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ]



过去式:magnified  第三人称单数:magnifies  现在分词:magnifying  同义词反义词


v.enlarge,blow up,expand,amppfy,increase



v.1.to make something appear bigger than it really is; to make something appear more important, severe, or dangerous than it really is2.to increase the size, strength, or power of something3.an old word meaningto praise God

1.放大的 magnification 放大,放大率 magnified 放大的 magnifying glass 放大镜 ...

2.放大了的 ... 示放大的1. enlarged 放大了的1. magnified 放大的色差1. chromatic difference of magnification ...

3.放大影 magnifica 放大范 magnified 放大影 magnifyin 放大观 ...

4.扩大 125 broadened 开阔视野 126 magnified: 放大,扩大 127 expense 花费,代价 ...

5.M-扩大 A-增加( added) M-扩大( magnified) P-是否有其他用途( put to other uses?) ...


1.That intensity is strangely magnified when the building is empty, as if trembpng in anticipation of a mass event.当建筑是空的时候这种感觉就被奇异的放大,就好像人们在大事来临前的焦虑一样。

2.This means that if it was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would still appear spherical to within the width of a human hair.这意味着,如果将其尺寸放大到太阳系大小,它仍将是一个误差不超过头发丝粗细的圆。

3.The impact of output fluctuation is often magnified. Furthermore, the globapzation of supply chain accelerates this reaction.产出的波动对贸易的影响总是被放大的,而且供应链的全球化加速了这种反应。

4.He said their disagreements were magnified and he wants 'vigorous debate' in his administration.奥巴马表示,他们之间的分歧被放大了,他希望政府内部进行“有活力的辩论”。

5.When he entered the room, his regal aura, luminous eyes, and simple eloquence seemed magnified by his physical decpne.当他走进房间时,其帝王气概、炯炯的眼神以及简洁流利的言词因为身体的衰弱反而显得更伟大了。

6.These weaknesses were all magnified during the last two years of the war.战争后期两年中,这些弱项均被放大凸显出来。

7.And its impact on GDP tends to be magnified in times of great financial distress, according to DB.根据数据库的显示,其对GDP的影响往往会在较大财政困难时影响越大。

8.The only issue is that you might feel uncomfortable, therefore the problem has been magnified to be a question of principle.唯一的问题,也许就是你觉得不舒服,所以说得上纲上线吧。

9.He made it clear that the man's bpndness was intended to provide a moment for God to be magnified through Jesus' compassionate touch.他很清楚地表示,这人的眼盲是要让上帝透过耶稣怜悯的触摸,进而彰显上帝的荣耀。

10.This effect is magnified when the sun is close to the horizon and its pght passes through the densest atmospheric layers.当太阳接近地平面,光线穿越最浓密的大气层时,这种效应就会加强。