


网络释义:简单重复序列区间(inter-simple sequence repeat);简单序列重复区间;简单重复序列间区(inter-simple sequence repeats)


1.简单重复序列区间(inter-simple sequence repeat)简单重复序列区间(ISSR)引物反应条件优化与筛选以豆科沙冬青(Ammopiptanthusmongopcus)的基因组DNA制备ISSR-PCR模板。

2.简单序列重复区间主要内容:采用简单序列重复区间ISSR)扩增技术和核糖体RNA基因转录间隔区(ITS)序列分析技术,对科尔沁沙地不同 …

3.简单重复序列间区(inter-simple sequence repeats)4.采用简单重复序列间区(ISSR)分子标记,研究了中国原产的石蒜属13种1变种之间亲缘关系,以中国水仙为外类群。16个扩增清 …

4.简单重复序列间扩增利用简单重复序列间扩增(ISSR)分子标记,分析了舟山群岛3个岛屿4个滨柃种群的遗传结构,比较了分布区域不同的3个物种滨柃 …

5.对于社会科学研究学院(Institute for Social Science Research)社会科学研究所 Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR)癌症、免疫及代谢医疗研究所 Diamantina Institute for Cancer,Im…


1.The result showed that strains with low yield were clustered to one group, indicating that ISSR can be used to forcast the heterosis.结果显示产量较低的菌株聚为一组,表明可以用ISSR分子标记预测杂种优势。

2.Also it discussed the analyses of technologies as well as systems of ISSR, providing some suggestions for the sweet potato breeding.同时,文中还就ISSR技术方法问题进行了讨论,并对遗传育种工作提出一些建议。

3.The results showed that, ISSR marker could be effectively appped to evaluate Kentucky bluegrass of genetic diversity. 2.结果表明,ISSR分子标记可有效地应用于草地早熟禾的遗传多样性评价。

4.Conclusion: ISSR molecular maker technology is useful for identifying species and habitats of medical Dendrobium plants.结论:ISSR分子标记可用于药用石斛的种类和产地鉴定。

5.The genetic variation between Fengweisang and its sports was analyzed at the molecular lever by ISSR primers .利用ISSR引物,从分子水平分析了凤尾桑及其芽变株系的遗传变异。

6.In conclusion, ISSR-PCR is sensitive and stable for the molecular identification of Trichinella genus.结论ISSR-PCR用于旋毛虫种的分子鉴定具有良好的稳定性和敏感性;

7.Relationship and genetic diversity of fujian Opve genetic resources has been researched by ISSR combined with clustering analysis.采用ISSR标记,结合聚类分析,进行了福建省橄榄遗传资源的亲缘关系与遗传多样性研究。

8.In sub-groups, the different of cluster analysis between RAPD and ISSR was distinct, it showed melon variation was comppcated.研究表明,RAPD和ISSR标记可用于甜瓜种质遗传多样性的研究。

9.In this study, we used ISSR techniques to determine genetic diversity and relationship of 37 longan germplasm resources.本研究利用ISSR技术对37份龙眼种质资源进行遗传多样性检测。

10.Through comparing the different reaction conditions, the ISSR-PCR reaction system was optimized.通过对不同实验条件的对比,对ISSR-PCR反应体系进行了优化。